[TLS] Zero length fragments and fragmented Alert messages

Hubert Kario <hkario@redhat.com> Tue, 18 October 2016 10:28 UTC

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Subject: [TLS] Zero length fragments and fragmented Alert messages
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Current draft states:

  Alert messages ({{alert-protocol}}) MUST NOT be fragmented across records.


  Implementations MUST NOT send zero-length fragments of Handshake or
  Alert types, even if those fragments contain padding.

But I don't see what is the expected behaviour of the side receiving such 
malformed messages.

Especially the fragmented alerts are unique in that any other message type can 
be fragmented, so no rules define how to handle incorrectly fragmented 
messages. Or at least I don't see them.
Hubert Kario
Senior Quality Engineer, QE BaseOS Security team
Web: www.cz.redhat.com
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