Michael D'Errico <mike-list@pobox.com> Tue, 27 April 2010 00:54 UTC

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Subject: [TLS] RNG vs. PRNG
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Here are all the places within my code that generate random
values and whether they are purely random or pseudo-random
(via a CPRNG):

     RNG    generate RSA premaster secrets
     RNG    generate encryption key and HMAC secret used
            for session ticket protection

     CPRNG  generate (part of) session IDs
     CPRNG  generate initialization vectors

     CPRNG  generate hello random values
     CPRNG  generate random premaster secret in server (as
            part of defense against Bleichenbacher attack
            and version rollback detection)

These last two are debatable.  Marsh would have the hello
randoms be purely random, not just unpredictable, and the
OpenSSL implementation uses a CPRNG for the last one, but
has a note that it /should/ use an RNG.

IANAC, but wonder why the hello randoms would need to be purely
random, versus just unpredictable, since they go over the wire
in the clear?

Also, does anyone know why the random premaster secret should
be generated with a real RNG versus a CPRNG?

