[TLS] TLS Renegotiation - Any implications to EAP-TLS ?

Zheng Kanghong <zkanghon@hotmail.com> Tue, 10 November 2009 06:51 UTC

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Hi all,

Anyone discussed the implications of the TLS renegotiation vulnerability to EAP-TLS?

>From my little understanding, it seems like EAP-TLS is not vulnerable.

There is no application layer protocol involved when EAP-TLS is executed [Please correct me if I'm wrong].If client certificate authentication is required (it should), the server will always request for client certificates.After a successful EAP-TLS exchange, the TLS tunnel is not used; only the keying material is exported [Although the tunnel is not used, is it still present and can be used in some way? Or is there no state information stored for the EAP method after a successful EAP exchange?).EAP re-authentication is a new EAP exchange which is independent of the previous exchange. It is not the same as TLS renegotiation which is executed in the previous TLS tunnel.
Any comments? Thanks.
- kh
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