[TLS] TLS Flags extension - not sure it makes sense

Chris Inacio <inacio@cert.org> Tue, 23 July 2019 22:09 UTC

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From: Chris Inacio <inacio@cert.org>
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Thread-Topic: TLS Flags extension - not sure it makes sense
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I really want the savings on the wire that TLS flags extension provides – and so I think it’s really good for the future cTLS but I’m not sure when I get to use it in TLS 1.3 negotiation.  It goes in the clientHello message, but how will I know that the server uses this extension?  I envision a future where we will add the flags extension along with the more expensive 4-bytes version for a REALLY long time.

Is there a plan / ability to turn off the 4-byte version?

(BTW: I’m happy if people who really work the details of TLS tell me I mis-understand.  I hope I do.)