[TLS] HRR design team

Sean Turner <sean@sn3rd.com> Wed, 14 April 2021 02:03 UTC

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At the TLS WG interim meeting on 2021-04-01, we briefly discussed forming a design team to focus on HRR-related issues as it relates to ECH because there seem to be a lot of issues pending resolution of the “HRR issues”.  The chairs believe a design team would be good way to address these related issues. The plan would be for the design team meet frequently to get through the issues and provide an output one month after being formed. If you have an interest in participating on this design team, please reply to the chairs (tls-chairs@ietf.org) by 2359 UTC 20 April 2021.

NOTE: Design teams are discussed in RFC 2418 [0] and the IESG has provided some guidance as well [1]. Please note that we would like for this design team to remain small and agile. As the WG will review the design team’s output (i.e., it is not a foregone conclusion that the recommendations are accepted), please consider whether you absolutely need to volunteer. The last time we formed a design team it had 15 members.


[0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc2418/
[11] https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/design-teams/