Re: [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined proposal
Martin Rex <> Sun, 15 November 2009 01:45 UTC
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined proposal
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Eric, Maybe you remember my privat Email to Steve and Marsh (you were cc) 3 hours after I had posted my observation about the MITM susceptibility of the TLS renegotiation: An approach to fixing the situation would be to use a TLS extension to securely identify the session that is to be renegotiated. Fixed clients would have to identify the TLS session that they want to renegotiate. Once the fixed clients are shipped, the fixed servers can require clients to identify the to-be-renegotiated session and abort if they don't. In the initial in-the-clear TLS-handshake, the clients should indicate with this extension (and and empty extension data) that the clients supports secure renegotiation, so that the server may defer the sending of a ClientCertificateRequest in the initial handshake to a later renegotiation. This matches the TLS extension RI that you published the next day. Cryptographically, the approach of the TLS extension RI looks fine, but I having thought about it for a few days, I really dislike how this fix is integrated into the protocol. The lack of protection of the renegotiation is a flaw of the SSL/TLS base protocol, and so it REALLY should be fixed there. If the original SSL protocol had used different finished calculations for initial and renegotiate handshakes, then we wouldn't have the problem that a clients initial handshake can be proxied into the renegotiation of the server. Now that we know that this was a stupid mistake, we should not continue with this mistake. The original TLS renegotiation is a security problem and should be entirely abandoned. Changing the finished message calculation for the TLS renegotiation by virtually adding the verify_data from the currents session finished messages to the handshake messages (hashes) of the renegotiation handshake is the most natural solution. There really is no point in wasting the network bandwith and send the verify_data over the network. What we should add to the protocol is the signaling of this protocol change Client->Server and Server->Client through the ClientHello and ServerHello handshake messages. The most interoperable signaling C->S is a specially assigned ciphersuites ID, we probably do not need to discuss that. I'm open to sugestions for the S->C signaling. Since the Server will signal only when he sees the clients signal in the ClientHello, you could at that point actually change the ServerHello message. Changing the ServerHello is NOT going to break anything here! IMNSHO the IETF should _NOT_ continue to support the insecure original TLS renegotiation, the implementors can decide themselves whether they want to or need to offer their customers that configuration option and use the original Finished message calculation if the negotiation (=signaling C->S and S->C) indicates that at least one of the peers has not been updated. TLS v1.3 should REALLY require that only the modified finished message calculation may be used for TLS renegotiation. Supporting the original TLS renegotiation in TLS v1.3 would be unreasonable, and if we use the TLS extension RI, then we would have to keep that band-aid forever wasting network bandwidth. And all those vendors and implementors who have added a reconnect-fallback to their TLS clients, - I do not want the IETF recommend them to trash this fallback - I do not want the IETF leave the fallback handshake unprotected If we do NOT use the TLS extension RI on the initial handshake, but instead a different signaling, then both of this is unnecessary, the vendors can have their TLS client still signal and use the protected renegotiation, encounter less connection drops and the ability to produce better error messages. I do admit that tunneling the Finished Messages through TLS extensions in ClientHello and ServerHello into the Handshake message hash might require ~20 lines of code less for TLS implementations that already implement the extensions code. Personally, I think the un-usability that comes with a strict requirement for TLS extensions and the uncertainty for the fallbacks, the impaired error reporting and the waste of network bandwidth saves the consumers of this technology MUCH MUCH more every day in the future. And every implementer that doesn't have TLS extensions all of the codebase that he maintains will have to add much more for tls extensions than for the actual fix. I guess, I will have to write an I-D so that we can let the community decide (this probably is no longer an TLS WG internal decision, because it affects the internet as a whole). -Martin
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Pasi.Eronen
- [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello instead… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Michael D'Errico
- [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantics an… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Steve Dispensa
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Yair Elharrar
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - current summary of semantic… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Yair Elharrar
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Yair Elharrar
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Rob P Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Rob P Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Eric Rescorla
- [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined proposal Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined prop… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Dr Stephen Henson
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined prop… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Nasko Oskov
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Eric Rescorla
- [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Nelson B Bolyard
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Nelson B Bolyard
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined prop… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] History of extensions David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? David-Sarah Hopwood
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Martin Rex
- [TLS] A crazy idea Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] A crazy idea Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Nelson B Bolyard
- Re: [TLS] A crazy idea Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] Protected Renegotiation -- refined prop… Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] A crazy idea Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Joseph Salowey (jsalowey)
- Re: [TLS] A not-so crazy idea Michael D'Errico
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] TLSrenego - possibilities, suggestion f… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] A not-so crazy idea Nicolas Williams
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] A not-so crazy idea Yair Elharrar
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Marsh Ray
- Re: [TLS] A not-so crazy idea Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Nelson B Bolyard
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] assert TLSext in renego-ServerHello ins… Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] Redefine Finished message for TLS 1.3 ? Nelson Bolyard