[TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how to do cross-organization mTLS?
Mark Robinson <mark@markrobinson.io> Sat, 14 September 2024 03:08 UTC
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From: Mark Robinson <mark@markrobinson.io>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 20:08:12 -0700
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Subject: [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how to do cross-organization mTLS?
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I want to thank everyone for your feedback. It's been super helpful. I think I should elaborate on what the problem is and how it can be fixed. I've worked with a lot of companies who want to use mTLS (as bas as the name is) to increase security but don't know how to do it in a way that won't reduce reliability. For example, many companies require a certificate signed by a public CA and then *emailed* to them. They have the annual cert expiry of a regular cert combined with a manual (and hackable process) that basically guarantees downtime when someone goes on vacation. What I'd like to cover: - How two orgs (that aren't CAs) can exchange keys - How to rotate keys - What parameters keys should be set, and how keys should be validated - When and how keys should be updated - All of this without manual steps or #$%#$%ing email. Setting up cross-validation of TLS should be a single line change for high performing organizations and should never, ever, ever involve email certs between customer service reps. Mark On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 4:30 PM Peter Gutmann <pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz> wrote: > Andrei Popov <Andrei.Popov=40microsoft.com@dmarc.ietf.org> writes: > > >I'm with Richard on this one. Not a fan of the "mTLS" concept: it causes > >confusion where customers ask whether "mTLS" is a different protocol or a > >specific TLS implementation? However, it can be argued that this > unfortunate > >term has already taken root. > > +1, Richard pretty much said everything I have concerns about but saved me > a > lot of typing. mTLS *is* TLS, there's no need to give it a special name > for > marketing(?) purposes. > > Having said that, I'd have no problems with a "TLS Profile for xxx", which > is > what it really seems to be. > > (And I'll add an obligatory comment that what (m)TLS does isn't mutual > authentication, it's unidirectional authentication in both directions, but > that boat has long since sailed. If you wanted to have actual mTLS it'd > have > to use PSK). > > Peter. > _______________________________________________ > TLS mailing list -- tls@ietf.org > To unsubscribe send an email to tls-leave@ietf.org >
- [TLS] Is there any interest in an RFC on how to d… Mark Robinson
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Salz, Rich
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … John Mattsson
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Olle E. Johansson
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Iyer, Sudha E
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Sean Turner
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Richard Barnes
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Joseph Salowey
- [TLS] Re: Is there any interest in an RFC on how … Viktor Dukhovni
- [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in… Andrei Popov
- [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in… Peter Gutmann
- [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in… Mark Robinson
- [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in… Viktor Dukhovni
- [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in… Richard Barnes
- [TLS] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there any interest in… Mike Shaver