[TLS] Spec tls13 comments, handshake tampering, mitigation, counter/seq_no predictability: WAS: Do we need DH?
Michael Clark <michael@metaparadigm.com> Tue, 06 January 2015 13:23 UTC
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Subject: [TLS] Spec tls13 comments, handshake tampering, mitigation, counter/seq_no predictability: WAS: Do we need DH?
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On 2/1/15 9:08 pm, Yoav Nir wrote: > >> On Jan 2, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Hubert Kario <hkario@redhat.com> wrote: >> >> On Tuesday 30 December 2014 09:23:22 Tapio Sokura wrote: >>> With regards to all eggs being in the same basket, AES is also something >>> that really should have a realistic alternative standardized and >>> deployed _before_ (/if) AES is broken. Like SHA-3 is coming around the >>> corner while SHA-2 is still well alive and kicking. >> >> >> We do have Camellia ciphers defined, PFS AEAD included (RFC 6367). > > That, and the ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD will be defined when http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-mavrogiannopoulos-chacha-tls-04 is adopted. Sharing some comments. Perhaps some are for TLSv2.0 :-D I think adding SHA-3 is a testable idea as it was designed to mitigate future attacks on SHA-2. If we were proactive, we would have the mitigation in place. i.e. a choice of alternative hash algorithms, choice of alternative ciphers. We are getting down to one safe AEAD algorithm (AES-GCM) and one safe key exchange algorithm (ECDHE). I have also made comments regarding an alternative system of composition of cipher primitives that could be used as part of a "design for mitigation". See Replacement idea for CipherSpec and CipherSuites later in this mail. Maybe this is TLSv1.4 material (or TLS 2.0). I don't know the time-frame. We ideally want to have the cryptographic primitive alternatives available to mitigate via configuration changes versus patches, from an operational perspective. As an operator it's better if you can push out config changes versus having to perform package updates. Apologies in advance if I am duplicating comments that have already been shared... also note these are draft comments for consideration... and are based on my developing understanding of TLSv1.2 and of my reading of the current draft-ietf-tls-tls13. Please read and consider. === Comment: the draft should change SHA-2 constants to include the 2. tls_prf_sha256 -> tls_prf_sha2_256, SHA256, SHA384 should be changed to SHA2_256, SHA2_384, so that implementations can use alternative hash and MAC functions as a mitigation strategy, even if not introducing SHA-3, the constants could be renamed in the spec to keep it consistent if SHA-3 is added later. === I see it is already mentioned in the spec that static RSA and DH key exchange are removed. Certificates can be tampered with by a MiFi, at least with TLSv1.2 I believe it is still feasible based on the current spec. TLSv1.3 should use DHE, FFDHE and ECDHE with Ephemeral Forward Secrecy, use named parameters and/or contain guidance on how to check for weak DH parameters. DHE is okay if implementations have guidance on how to check for weak DH parameters. TLSv1.3 should authenticates Hello, KEX parameters, CertificateShares and all other handshake messages to prevent them from being tampered with in transit by a MITM (ISP transparent proxy) like they presently do with TLSv1.2 and below. TLSv1.3 should eliminate handshake rewriting by authenticating handshake messages. The issue is someone who can do layer 2/3 rewriting and may be friends with a CA or have a big database of DH pairs can break TLSv1.2 as the public now is patently aware of. It seems we are only as strong as the weakest KEX and cipher we offer and an implementation needs to check for weak DH parameters, and in TLSv1.2 they are not necessarily the parameters you expose if someone in the middle (ISP transparent proxy, versus simple eavesdropping) tries to downgrade your CipherSuite or substitutes DH parameters and certificate shares by rewriting handshake messages. TLSv1.2 handshake messages are trivially rewritable by a MITM as there is no authentication of handshake messages e.g. Currently we could potentially be downgraded to TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 with some clients and servers or our certificate DH parameters could be tampered with by rewriting the handshake to negotiate a KEX that helps a MITM learn the pre master secret. >From TLSv1.2 - The connection is reliable. Message transport includes a message integrity check using a keyed MAC. Secure hash functions (e.g., SHA-1, etc.) are used for MAC computations. The Record Protocol can operate without a MAC, but is generally only used in this mode while another protocol is using the Record Protocol as a transport for negotiating security parameters. === Comment: NULL_NULL AEAD for handshake messages should be changed to NULL_HMAC_SHA2_256 AEAD, null cipher, mandatory HMAC using (client|server)_random for AD for all handshake messages. The initial (client|server)_random needs to be included verbatim as the AD and HMAC on all subsequent handshake messages. If it specified that (client|server)_random is included in all handshake messages and is a verbatim repetition of the (client|server)_random in the initial ClientHello/ServerHello and is included as AD for HMAC in the record protocol for every handshake messages, e.g. Encrypt-then-Mac[null,hmac_sha2_256]. The implementation must check that (client|server)_random in subsequent handshake messages matches that from the initial ClientHello/ServerHello and that the HMAC on each handshake message is verified with the initial (client|server)_random as AD.This will make all handshake messages tamper-resistant because (client|server)_random is used for pre-master key derivation. It is no longer possible for a MITM to alter a ClientHello/ServerHello or any subsequent handshake message unless they can forge the HMAC. If a MITM changes the (client|server)_random in any handshake message (for example to alter ciphers offered in ClientHello) then the pre-master secret derivation will fail. I can't see any wording in the spec to this effect. This is a biggie. If you fix the choice of HMAC used for handshake messages in the spec, then you can't mitigate by changing to a stronger hash later if a hash algorithm becomes compromised, so we should have a mandatory set of HMAC algorithms: HMAC_SHA2_256, HMAC_SHA2_384 and HMAC_SHA2_512 and include the HMAC enum in the record protocol to indicate which one is used at the record layer. This approach is symmetrical with an Encrypt-then-Mac meta AEAD referred to later as ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac], to (optionally) extend the message integrity check on application data messages. === I can't see any handshake record protection in TLSv1.2 spec or in Wireshark? Tell me what I am missing? I note the current draft uses NULL_NULL AEAD for handshake messages. This is the status quo. I may be misunderstanding something and client and server random are in fact part of the AD for handshake messages and NULL_NULL AEAD, but my read of the spec and indications are that the handshake can be tampered with. I can't see it in the spec where the handshake MAC and AD is defined, just NULL_NULL AEAD for the handshake messages. The TLSv1.3 has misleading comments regarding record protection. The handshake is not protected. I might be missing something. I believe handshake messages can still be rewritten by a proxy with the TLSv1.3 draft as it stands? I'm working on writing a proxy so I can test... but I can't see any authentication of handshake in Wireshark decodes of TLSv1.2 handshaking. I was a little surprised. The client and/or server random must be included verbatim in every handshake message and used as part of the handshake AD and there needs to be a MAC on all handshake messages. SHA2-384? otherwise anyone who cap tap layer 2/3 will still be able to rewrite TLSv1.3 handshake messages. === Comment: The spec also needs to advise and reference DHE parameter bounds checking requirements or used named parameters (rfc5114). It reads like it is moving in this direction. Named parameters have their own problems if they are well known and a MITM records lots of traffic then they become vulnerable. Today, if you only expose ECDHE you are relatively safe from most wiretappers as it uses named curves (secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1). Worst case with TLSv1.2 and ECDHE exposed as the lowest KEX is that you could be downgraded to secp256r1 (by rewriting extensions in ClientHello) which has known twist vulnerabilities (DJB safe curves) and is vulnerable to side-channel attacks (collocation, timing, FLUSH+RELOAD, non-constant time math). Much harder than DHE tampering. TLSv1.2 DH is vulnerable if the spec doesn't advise implementations how to check for weak DH parameters and TLSv1.2 suffers from handshake rewriting problems i.e. those who can win friends and influence CAs and can get warrants to tap ISPs. DH hides a shared secret from eavesdroppers but is vulnerable to MITM i.e. so is not trustworthy unless CA has public audit records, that would show evidence of certificate tampering. The problem is anyone who can influence a regional CA can break DH and TLS handshake records are not authenticated and there are still cipher downgrade and parameter modification attacks that are possible if handshake protocol isn't AEAD authenticated with an HMAC and null cipher before the handshake is complete. === === Comment: It is also a very testable idea to have several AEAD ciphers, MAC algorithms, key exchange methods and cipher primitives to mitigate future attacks on individual primitives for the same reasoning behind the development of SHA-3. SHA-3 was designed based on the principle of mitigating against future attacks on SHA-2 even though no complete attacks are currently known. It is also testable reasoning to base cryptographic primitive selection on a system of composition versus the current CipherSpec system. See my sketch/comments on overhauling CipherSpecs with a "design for mitigation" strategy. === The current TLSv1.3 draft wording retires MAC-then-Encrypt and depends entirely on AEAD cipher authentication tags for message integrity (see draft-ietf-tls-tls13 / Record Payload Protection). I have no technical issue with the requirement for AEAD ciphers and retiring MAC-then-Encrypt. Here are six well known AEAD ciphers, however all have 128-bit message authentication tags. The first four have IETF specs or drafts: - ChaCha20+Poly1305 http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-mavrogiannopoulos-chacha-tls-04 - Camellia-GCM http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kanno-tls-camellia-gcm-00.html - AES-GCM https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5288 - AES-CCM https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6655 - AES-EAX (NIST candidate) - AES-OCB (Patented in the US with exemption for any OSI source license) These all fit within the TLSv1.3 draft Record Payload Protection requirements which states exclusive use of AEAD ciphers (draft-ietf-tls-tls13 / Record Payload Protection) and providing at least three would provide exploit mitigation capabilities. === Observation: From reading the current TLSv1.3 draft, it seems CBC and the non GCM version of Camelia are removed by omission which means they would be supported in implementations via backwards compatibility with TLSv1.2. === The issue is the current AEAD ciphers reduce all message authentication to 128-bits due to properties of the current AEAD ciphers. The probability of a forgery is 1 / n<=112 with 16KB messages but this could be reduced with a large dictionary. It is well known that authentication strength is independent from the tag size and GCM weak keys could potentially be exploited. SHA2-256 theoretically provides 128 bits security, SHA2-384, 192 bits security and SHA2-512, 256 bits security. SHA2-384 with 192 bits security strength was available with earlier non-AEAD cipher suites in the deprecated MAC-then-Encrypt scheme in TLSv1.2. There is a *notional* drop in payload integrity protection in the current draft of TLS1.3 due to the requirement for AEAD ciphers and the current AEAD cipher authentication limitations (128-bit tags) with the removal of MAC-then-Encrypt, which offered SHA384 tags with 256 bit ciphers, or 192 bits of message authentication (MAC-then-Encrypt technical issues aside). The choices for the new TLS version should be made not just for those with high performance requirements, but also for those with high security requirements. i.e. 256 bit ciphers and > 192 security bits for message integrity. This is not provided by the current AEAD only wording. AES-CCM (referred to in the current draft) fits the draft Record Payload Protection requirements for AEAD ciphers. CCM is worth retaining and EAX or OCB may be worth reconsidering; for the same mitigation reasoning behind SHA-3 as an alternative to SHA-2. CCM, EAX and OCB all have more entropy in the IV than AES-GCM, and their tags and IV are computed using complimentary approaches (security by diversity). None are as fast as AES-GCM as they don't benefit from GHASH parallelization (useful for a plausible probabilistic integrity attack). The intent is not to use these slower algos as the plaintext replacement for the Internet (AES_128_GCM) rather to mitigate future attacks. We are down to one cipher. It is a very testable idea to have AEAD ciphers with a GHASH alternative to mitigate forgery attacks on GHASH. Someone with lots of resources could probabilistically forge GCM auth tags (or any of the schemes) and substitute bogus data; sometime in the near future. If we are limited to 128-bits content authentication in TLS, then higher layers than TLS will have to add message integrity security due to TLS layer limits in current AEAD ciphers. This is a backwards step from HMAC_SHA384 in the old MAC-then-Encrypt mode (with fixed padding). HMAC_SHA384 offers 192 security bits for message authentication. Also of note is the GCM counter scheme (modified from CTR) was designed to allow 32-bit adders in hardware. The counter starts at 0x0000001 and the entropy in the IV prefix is 96-bits expanded from the nonce. The 32 bits of the IV is predictable. This is not a good property. gcm-spec states this design was to avoid the overhead of 128-bit adders for the counter (adder logic, carry propagation, etc). AES-EAX nonce expands to full 128-bits of entropy in the IV/CTR but requires 128-bit adders as it layers authentication on top of CTR mode. It is slower than GCM but performs similarly to CCM. Someone might be able to comment on the IV entropy for CCM. I think it xors the previous block similarly to CBC so IV doesn't contain predictable components like GCM however it doesn't benefit from single stream parallelization (AES-GCM with GHASH). The issue is raising the message authentication integrity back to TLSv1.2 levels (at least notionally) or higher; given all AEAD ciphers have 128 bit tags (and a lower forgery bound). There is the Encrypt-then-MAC (RFC 7366) extension that if modified in relation to TLSv1.3 could be rephrased as a parameterizable meta-AEAD cipher that meets the Record Payload Protection requirements in the TLSv1.3 draft, as ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac] and ETM-AEAD[null,hmac] that could be used for handshake messages with (client|server)_random used as AD in all TLSv1.3 handshake messages, and ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,null] for security levels where 128-bit tags are acceptable. This kind of approach would keep the spec simple and symmetrical. * An AEAD cipher's 128-bit tag plus HMAC_SHA256 would returning the message integrity security bounds to the order of 192 bits (above quantum scale). * An AEAD cipher's 128-bit tag plus HMAC_SHA384 would raise the order above 256 bits. === Comment: Adding AEAD NULL HMAC_SHA2_256, HMAC_SHA2_384 and HMAC_SHA2_512 in an Encrypt-then-MAC scheme for tamper resistant handshake messages in the record protocol ETM-AEAD[null,hmac] and optionally for the application data ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac] would be symmetrical with handshake rewriting mitigation; which is essentially Encrypt-then-MAC with a NULL cipher e.g. ETM-AEAD[null,hmac] for handshake messages, or a ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,null] for application data in the case where 128-bit tags from the AEAD cipher are sufficient. The spec would define the AD for handshake messages as (client|server)_random to be repeated verbatim in all handshake messages instead of (seq_num + TLSPlaintext.type + TLSPlaintext.version) as is used for AD construction for application data. === === Probabilistic integrity attack on 128-bit AEAD auth tags - downgrade from HMAC_SHA384 192 bits strength authentication - (Snoopy vs Loki) === The primary issue is that all AEAD ciphers have 128 bit authentication tags. The prevailing argument is that this is sufficient given the nonce lifespan however there is a reasonable argument to provide more integrity protection and this has been mentioned by others. I've done some more research and reasoning. A MITM attacker could find collisions probabilistically for known message lengths with a partial database of tagged AD + bogus data, and bulk data transfer in TLS is likely to have a known size of 16KB less TLS struct overhead, unless message sizes were randomized with message size blinding. Lots of traffic with bulk transfers and 16KB messages (i.e. the Internet) could be vulnerable and opens up the possibility of a probabilistic integrity attacks that could substitute good messages with forged messages by matching AD and 128-bit tag (a very small lookup key) for the same size message. Numbers. 16K message size, n Exabytes (~n ⋅260) dictionary and n Exabytes (~n ⋅260) of traffic and you could probabilistically inject bit errors with a certain probability. The probability is small but is approachable with quantum computing. We need to quantify the computation and storage required to find sizeof(struct(AD) + (16KB - sizeof(ContentType) - sizeof(ProtocolVersion) - sizeof(uint16)) blocks and calculate the probability of finding matching AD plus auth tags given a large DHT and some large pre-computation. AD and tag are visible. The integrity attacker would need a database of AD (seq_num + TLSPlaintext.type + TLSPlaintext.version) at the typical bulk transfer block size of a known TLS implementations to forge AEAD tags and substitute good data with bogus data. This seems a feasible attack on "the Internet" in the very near future (tractable in 10-20 years) with quantum computing and quantum storage (2150) given the orders we are dealing with. This would be infeasible with 256 bits of security. CCM-8 tags at 64-bit could be attacked today with Exascale so shouldn't be used in a modern TLS AEAD suite. It seems from the literature that GHASH forgery probability is (214)/(2128) for 16KB blocks. The 128-bit tag and ADs (seq_num + TLSPlaintext.type + TLSPlaintext.version) are visible. Note this is a not an eavesdropping attack. === === Comment: I noted an earlier TLSv1.3 draft hinted that the initial seq_num should be derived according to (RFC1948) however the wording has changed in the latest draft. TLSv1.2 has predictable sequence number which lowers the order of certain types of attack. Initial sequence number if randomized would need to be included in (Client|Server)Hello and authenticated with the HMAC so they cannot be tampered with. This would increase the order of certain types of attacks. === The current TLSv1.3 draft says this which is: sequence number : Each connection state contains a sequence number, which is maintained separately for read and write states. The sequence number MUST be set to zero whenever a connection state is made the active state. Sequence numbers are of type uint64 and may not exceed 2^64-1. Sequence numbers do not wrap. If a TLS implementation would need to wrap a sequence number, it must terminate the connection. A sequence number is incremented after each record: specifically, the first record transmitted under a particular connection state MUST use sequence number 0. === Comment: Given sequence numbers are 64 bit, randomizing the lower 48-bits of the sequence number would not limit data transfer capabilities or introduce any significant wrap problems. Consider randomizing the lower n-bits of the sequence number. === An Encrypt-then-MAC (RFC 7366) derived meta-AEAD i.e. ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac] with higher strength authentication tags (AEAD tag combined with HMAC) and randomized initial sequence numbers included in the Hello would mitigate forgery attacks for application data. AEAD ciphers with > 128 bit tags are perhaps impracticable in the short-term because they don't exist so ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac] would be a practical approach and also fix the handshake authentication issues ETM-AEAD[null,hmac]. Given the amount of Internet data transferred, storage capacity predictions and so forth, the (lack of) entropy in the AD sequence numbers and the tag sizes, it seems that this type of attack could easily be mounted in the next 10 years (maybe sooner). It would be interesting to quantify the probability of bogus block injection rate given predicted storage. From pencil calculation it seems feasible at lower than quantum scale i.e. way less than a Googol ;-). GCM + HMAC_SHA256 for 384 bits authentication would provide > 192 security bits and render this infeasible at quantum scale. A small overhead for a 16KB message. However this is a minor issue compared to the ability for transparent proxies rewriting handshake messages however it is addressed in a similar way. ETM-AEAD[null,hmac] for handshake and ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,null] or ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac] for application data. " ### Record Payload Protection The record protection functions translate a TLSPlaintext structure into a TLSCiphertext. The deprotection functions reverse the process. In TLS 1.3 as opposed to previous versions of TLS, all ciphers are modelled as "Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data" (AEAD) {{RFC5116}}. AEAD functions provide a unified encryption and authentication operation which turns plaintext into authenticated ciphertext and back again. AEAD ciphers take as input a single key, a nonce, a plaintext, and "additional data" to be included in the authentication check, as described in Section 2.1 of {{RFC5116}}. The key is either the client_write_key or the server_write_key. struct { ContentType type; ProtocolVersion version; uint16 length; opaque nonce_explicit[SecurityParameters.record_iv_length]; aead-ciphered struct { opaque content[TLSPlaintext.length]; } fragment; } TLSCiphertext; " In July 2012, NIST revised SP800-57, which provides guidance for cryptographic key management. The publication disallows creation of digital signatures with a hash security lower than 112-bits after 2013. The previous revision from 2007 specified the cutoff to be the end of 2010. I would say that 128-bit AEAD tags with 16KB block message authentication tags are in the order of <=112 bits security and count as signatures and are subject to this new minimum? so it makes sense to find a way to raise it back to 192 (as with SHA2-384). === Comment: CipherSpecs. I think removing CipherSpecs and replacing them with a composition based approach may reduce both spec and implementation complexity and allow better expression of security strength factor (ssf) that could be used as a tag to specify acceptable combinations of cryptographic primitives in ClientHello and ServerHello, rather than have a combinatorial explosion of CipherSpecs. Propose to remove CipherSpec and replace it with a simpler system based on composition of various cryptographic primitives at the expense of a few more bytes in the (Client|Server)Hello. Here is a sketch of a possible CipherSuite replacement for a TLSv1.x (Client|Server)Hello. Note, it is just a sketch. === Replacement idea for CipherSpec and CipherSuites section of ClientHello/ServerHello { 4, 0 } === enum SpecComponent { tls_security_strength, tls_key_exchange_algorithm, tls_verify_algorithm, tls_prf_algorithm, tls_record_protection_algorithm }; enum SecurityStrengthFactor { tls_ssf_null, tls_ssf_56, tls_ssf_112, tls_ssf_168 }; enum KeyExchangeAlgorithm { tls_kex_null, tls_kex_FFDHE, tls_kex_ECDHE }; enum VerifyAlgorithm { tls_verify_null, tls_verify_RSA, tls_verify_EdDSA }; enum SignatureAlgorithm { rsa2048, rsa3072, rsa4096, rsa6072, rsa8192, ed25519, ed41417 }; enum PRFAlgorithm { tls_prf_sha2_256 }; enum AuthenticationAlgorithm { tls_hmac_null, tls_hmac_sha2_256, tls_hmac_sha2_384, tls_hmac_sha2_512, tls_hmac_sha3_256, tls_hmac_sha3_384, tls_hmac_sha3_512 }; enum ProtectionType { tls_aead_null_hmac, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_aead_aead_etm }; enum ProtectionAlgorithm { aes_gcm, aes_ccm, camellia_gcm, chacha20_poly1305 }; struct SecurityStrengthList { SecurityStrengthFactor security_strength_list<1...n> }; struct KeyExchangeAlgorithmSpec { KeyExchangeAlgorithm key_exchange_algorithm, SecurityStrengthFactor ssf; NamedGroup group }; struct KeyExchangeAlgorithmList { KeyExchangeAlgorithmSpec key_exchange_algorithm_list<1...n> }; struct VerifyAlgorithmSpec { VerifyAlgorithm verify_algorithm, SecurityStrengthFactor ssf; SignatureAlgorithm signature_algorithm; }; struct VerifyAlgorithmList { VerifyAlgorithmSpec verify_algorithm_list<1...n> }; struct RecordProtectionAlgorithmSpec { ProtectionType protection_type; SecurityStrengthFactor ssf; ProtectionAlgorithm protection_algorithm; uint16 key_bits; AuthenticationAlgorithm additional_authentication_algorithm; }; struct RecordProtectionAlgorithmList { RecordProtectionAlgorithmSpec record_protection_algorithm_list<1...n> }; /* * This is just an example... * * Note: ssf tag value is notional and its purpose is to tag * compatible combinations of primitives. * AEAD 128 bit ciphers with 128 tags and current algorithms * labeled notional tls_ssf_56 * Note: AEAD 256-bit ciphers using ETM[aead-cipher,hmac_sha2_256] * labeled notional tls_ssf_168 * Note: ssf tag value would need to be pinned to each cryptographic * primitive in the spec so that during protocol negotiation, a * primitive can only be downgraded. This improves the status quo * and give operators an active mitigation strategy. The ssf is * protected by the tamper resistance of the handshake record protocol * assuming NULL_NULL AEAD is replaced by NULL_HMAC_SHA2_256 AEAD. * * tls_security_strength = sizeof(uint16) * (3 * 1 + 2) = 10 bytes * tls_key_exchange = sizeof(uint16) * (7 * 3 + 2) = 46 bytes * tls_verify_algorithm = sizeof(uint16) * (5 * 4 + 2) = 44 bytes * tls_prf_algorithm = sizeof(uint16) * (2 * 1 + 2) = 8 bytes * tls_record_protection = sizeof(uint16) * (11 * 5 + 2) = 114 bytes * total = a measly 140 bytes */ { tls_security_strength, length=3 tls_ssf_56, tls_ssf_112, tls_ssf_168, tls_key_exchange_algorithm, length=7 tls_kex_FFDHE tls_ssf_56, ffdhe2048, tls_kex_FFDHE, tls_ssf_112, ffdhe4096, tls_kex_FFDHE, tls_ssf_168, ffdhe8192, tls_kex_ECDHE, tls_ssf_56, secp256r1, tls_kex_ECDHE, tls_ssf_112, secp521r1, tls_kex_ECDHE, tls_ssf_112, curve25519, tls_kex_ECDHE, tls_ssf_168, curve41417, tls_verify_algorithm, length=5 tls_verify_RSA, tls_ssf_56, rsa2048, sha2_128, tls_verify_RSA, tls_ssf_112, rsa4096, sha2_256, tls_verify_RSA, tls_ssf_168, rsa8192, sha2_512, tls_verify_EdDSA, tls_ssf_112, ed25519, sha2_512, tls_verify_EdDSA, tls_ssf_168, ed41417, sha2_512, tls_prf_algorithm, length=2 tls_prf_sha2_256, tls_prf_sha3_256, tls_record_protection_algorithm, length=11 tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf56, aes_gcm, 128, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf56, aes_ccm, 128, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf56, camellia_gcm, 128, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf112, aes_gcm, 256, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf112, aes_ccm, 256, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf112, camellia_gcm, 256, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_null, tls_ssf112, chacha20_poly1305, 256, hmac_null, tls_aead_aead_etm, tls_ssf168, aes_gcm, 256, hmac_sha2_256, tls_aead_aead_etm, tls_ssf168, aes_ccm, 256, hmac_sha2_256, tls_aead_aead_etm, tls_ssf168, camellia_gcm, 256, hmac_sha2_256, tls_aead_aead_etm, tls_ssf168, chacha20_poly1305, 256, hmac_sha2_256, } This type of composition scheme makes more sense than a combinatorial explosion of CipherSpecs with security and integrity levels inflexibly tied together, that do not necessarily accurately represent their respective strengths, such as in the case of AES_256_GCM_SHA384 where authentication is limited to 128 bits. CipherSpecs also further limit the policy combination of security components as an attack mitigation strategy that allows substitution of individual cryptographic primitives. A simple constraints solver could pick a combination of primitives that satisfies a mutual minimum or maximum ssf based on order. === Comment: add This proposal would allow 384bit message authentication such as the 128-bit AEAD tag plus optionally using ETM-AEAD[aead-cipher,hmac_sha2_256] which passes the AD to an HMAC as well as the AEAD cipher, and this would be consistent with using ETM-AEAD[null,hmac_sha2_256] with (client|server)_random to make the handshake messages tamper resistant. i.e. prevent handshake from being be re-written by proxies as (client|server)_random is used for pre-master key derivation. === The reason to allow specification of the HMAC for an ETM_AEAD in a revised compositional approach to protection algorithms is to avoid explosion of AEAD ciphers definitions with variants that have stronger authentication tags. This would quickly become problematic with the current CipherSpec scheme. Note what I have sketched out above is quite pessimistic with respect to the security strength of present algorithms given a review of recent literature. Consider it more of an engineering perspective with a relative knowledge of the security parameters of the underlying cryptographic primitives. Consider the ssf the margin of attack reach, i.e. a notional strength. And yes, the MAC in the current Cipher Specs at present is a little misleading (AES_256_GCM_SHA384) and I see elsewhere that it was mentioned that it should be removed. A composition based approach adds clarity.Does TLSv1.3 (or TLSv2.0) even need CipherSpecs given they could be supported via backwards compatibility in an implementations offering TLSv1.2? An implementations needs tables internally to expand to the various cryptographic primitives from the selected CipherSuites and the spec and extensions seem to be moving towards a compositional approach in other areas (named groups), so it may make things simpler. Should TLSv1.3 (Client/Server)Hello be re-designed to remove CipherSpec and use a simple system based on composition of cryptographic components linked by notional security strength tags? === Comment: I note that ChangeCipherSpec is mentioned as removed in the introductory notes but is still listed later in the spec (draft-ietf-tls-tls13 / Change Cipher Specs Message): === ## Change Cipher Specs Message struct { enum { change_cipher_spec(1), (255) } type; } ChangeCipherSpec; Conclusions * Adding sha3_ and using sha2_ prefixes on the existing SHA2 and new SHA3 constants adds mitigation capabilities to mitigate vulnerabilities in hashes as per the reasoning behind SHA-3. SHA-2 hashes can be specified as mandatory. * All handshake messages should use AEAD NULL_HMAC_SHA2_256 AEAD using (client|server)_random as AD to mitigate MITM handshake message tampering * Adding a meta AEAD using cipher AEAD tag plus HMAC to extend message authentication integrity is practical with the present cryptographic primitives and could meet the AEAD requirements in Record Payload Protection section, by abstraction, and increase authentication bits beyond 128 for application data. * Current CipherSpec and CipherSuites could be revisited to avoid the combinatorial explosion that exists with the current scheme. Design for composition. * Current CipherSpec and CipherSuites limits flexibility for attack mitigation by limiting the ability to substitute or downgrade a compromi sed cryptographic primitive if it becomes vulnerable due to how they are currently tied together in CipherSuites. Design for mitigation. * A composition based cipher spec in the ClientHello and ServerHello adds mitigation capabilities to operators via configuration (downgrade cryptographic primitives) and might reduce implementation complexity for a TLSv1.3 (or TLSv2.0) that favors security over backwards compatibility. * Randomizing lower 48 bits of sequence number would lower the predictability of AD in content messages and not add wrap issues. Initial sequence number would need to be shared in the signed (Client|Server)Hello handshake messages * Add the ability for blinding countermeasures. e.g. allow adding 32 random bytes to AD in record protocol. ~0.1% of 16KB blocks to thwart AD dictionary attacks for message forgery. It could be designed symmetrically with the handshake random data and HMAC to prevent handshake tampering. i.e. make a provision for 32 random data bytes in the record protocol, then the same framing could be used for (client|server)_random to authenticate handshake messages. i.e. ETM-AEAD[null,hmac_sha2_256] for handshake messages. Packet length blinding to consider too? Just putting my comments out there. Many of these issues have been mentioned elsewhere and in academic papers. I though I would share a compilation of my own analysis as it might be useful. I believe that handshake rewriting via proxy is well-known public knowledge. Big-IP's SSL proxy does part of this already and could be augmented with assistance from a friendly neighborhood CA (without public audit records). Google "implementing proxy ssl". A perfect place to drop-in online attacks on RSA keys, DH parameters, or downgrading clients to TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 (many clients and servers still support this) to record streams and work on cracking them offline, etc... I think it is a biggie. Otherwise someone tell me how a layer 2/3 transparent proxy can't fiddle with cipher advertisements in a ClientHello in TLSv1.2? What am I missing? There is no AD and HMAC on handshake messages in the spec and I can't see them in Wireshark. I guess I'll have to finish my proxy and try rewriting ClientHellos and see for myself... Michael.
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Fedor Brunner
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Tapio Sokura
- [TLS] Do we need DH? Watson Ladd
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Alyssa Rowan
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Peter Gutmann
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Brian Smith
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Maarten Bodewes
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Hubert Kario
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Alyssa Rowan
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Nico Williams
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Yoav Nir
- Re: [TLS] Do we need DH? Florian Weimer
- [TLS] Spec tls13 comments, handshake tampering, m… Michael Clark
- Re: [TLS] Spec tls13 comments, handshake tamperin… Michael Clark
- Re: [TLS] Spec tls13 comments, handshake tamperin… Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos