[TLS] sect571r1

Dave Garrett <davemgarrett@gmail.com> Wed, 15 July 2015 18:13 UTC

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In PR 188 for TLS 1.3, I pruned down the allowed elliptic curves to just the ones actually used. (per Sean's recommendation) One point of discussion between Eric and myself: sect571r1. I'm in favor of keeping it, but not very strongly. Eric suggested removing it. It does get some use, though quite a bit less than the others.

The main reason I think this warrants discussion is that dropping it would drop the maximum bits here, which whilst obviously not the only factor to take into account, will possibly not be desired by some. The main arguments for ditching is probably that it might not be safely implemented and nobody actually needs something this big.

So, should it stay or should it go now? Opinions?
