Re: [TLS] Salsa20 and Poly1305 in TLS

Ben Laurie <> Tue, 30 July 2013 09:40 UTC

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Also, defining ciphersuites for SSL 3, TLS 1.0/1.1 would be good, so we can
use them despite downgrade attacks.

On 29 July 2013 20:09, Adam Langley <> wrote:

> I cannot make it to Berlin I'm afraid (or, indeed, any meetings until
> at least IETF 91) so I'm writing my thoughts on
> draft-josefsson-salsa20-tls-02, which is scheduled for discussion.
> We (Google) support the addition of Salsa20 as a cipher in TLS. Having
> a secure cipher which is fast and constant time on all platforms is
> important. It's also good to have an alternative to AES in the wings
> should that be needed in the future. At the moment I consider RC4 and
> AES-CBC to be mortally wounded, even if we have to continue supporting
> them for many years yet.
> Salsa20/12 is something that we are currently working on supporting.
> However, I believe that Poly1305 is superior to UMAC and we're looking
> at Salsa20/12+Poly1305, not UMAC. (Note: that's Poly1305 with the
> nonce generated directly by Salsa20/12, not via AES.)
> (For the following, I used UMAC in nettle 2.7 and Andrew M's
> implementation of Poly1305[1], both on a E5-2690@2.90GHz with
> Hyperthreading and Turboboost disabled.)
> UMAC96 (with AES for the nonce generation) takes 9146.1ns to
> authenticate 1K of data, HMAC-SHA1(1K) takes 3667ns and Poly1305 takes
> 561.4ns.
> However, that's not the whole story for UMAC because it can use 1.5KB
> of memory for precomputation, after which it can authenticate 1KB of
> memory in just 329ns with that in L1. That's typically the headline
> speed that's advertised.
> However, I consider cache pressure to be a way of cheating on
> benchmarks :) Benchmarks don't show cache pressure until the algorithm
> itself spills the L1 cache but, in a real system, cache costs.
> With the precomputed data only in L3 cache (tested by cycling through
> 10,000 contexts), UMAC takes 922.16ns to authenticate 1KB.
> So UMAC may give a small benefit to cases with few, busy connections,
> but it's a loss in the case where there are many connections (a
> server), or a few connections, intermittently used (i.e. a web
> browser).
> Additionally, Poly1305 can be written in a tweet(*), while UMAC is
> dramatically more complex. Since they are both Wegman-Carter style
> hashes I believe that they both have, fundamentally, well understood
> security properties. (See [2] for a good overview.)
> Thus Poly1305 is looking much more attractive to us.
> (* Here's an attempt in 159 chars: "Take msg in 16 byte chunks. Append
> 1 to each msg chunk&0-pad to 17 bytes. Interpt little-endian. Calc
> polynom in key[:16] mod 2^130-5. Add key[:16]. Mod 2^128.")
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers
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