[TLS] TLS 1.3, how to close the read side of a connection?

Xuelei Fan <xuelei.fan@vimous.com> Wed, 07 March 2018 17:40 UTC

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Subject: [TLS] TLS 1.3, how to close the read side of a connection?
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Per TLS 1.3 draft (Section 6.1, Closure Alerts), the close_notify alert is
used to notify the recipient that the sender will not send any more
messages on this connection.  And this does not have any effect on its read
side of the connection.  I think it means that after sending the
close_notify alert, it still can keep reading data from the peer; and after
receiving the close_notify alert, it still can keep sending data to the

The question comes to me is about how to close the read side of the
connection.  If closing the read side silently, there are potential issues
if the application protocol using TLS provides that any data may be carried
over the underlying transport after the TLS connection is closed.  If
sending a close_notify alert, the peer may just treat is as close the its
read side and may keep write in its write side.  It does not actually close
the read side cleanly.  If keep waiting for the close_notify from the peer,
the local may have to wait until the peer happy to close its write side.
It does not sound friendly to the local side.   From example, if I download
a 10GB video via TLS 1.3 over VPN, looks like there is no way to indicate
the server that I want to cancle in the middle of the downloading in TLS
layer.  I may miss something.  I did not find a solution about how to close
the read side of TLS 1.3 connections yet.  Please help if you have an idea!

It's not a problem in TLS 1.2 and prior versions, as the peer MUST respond
with a close_notify of its own after receiving a close_notify alert.

Xuelei Fan