[TLS] Two Decisions?
Michael StJohns <msj@nthpermutation.com> Tue, 25 November 2014 23:25 UTC
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First item: A/O TLS 1.2 the PRF function changed to be negotiable. During discussions for things like session hash, the question was brought up (or at least I brought it up) as to whether or not the PRF function always needed to be a hash function (vs say a block cipher function) and I think the general consensus was that it was too difficult to remove due to its use in the finish message and session hash. Would that be a fair assessment? And if so, should text be added to make this clear? (Specifically, the PRF negotiation specifies a hash, and the KDF and various other derived functions are based on the HMAC construct of that hash.) [Side comment - as I've stated before, I really would have liked to have the possibility of having a block cipher only PSK TLS implementation, but I think that given the general trend toward PFS suites which have public key type requirements, I would guess that that ship has sailed, even in the constrained device space.] Second item: The Master Secret has always been 48 bytes long. A/O TLS1.2 wouldn't it make more sense to have the output of the Pre-Master Secret to MS key derivation be a key of the native length for the KDF function? E.g. 64 bytes for HMAC SHA256? Right now, each round of the PRF function produces 32 octets (assuming HMAC-SHA256) each round so the function is run twice to get 64 octets, then left truncated to get 48 octets of the Pre Master Secret. When you get to the MS to session key negotiation, the 48 octets is right zero padded back to 64 octets in the first step of the HMAC setup. Of course for other SHA functions, the block size is larger - 128 octets for SHA384, etc requiring additional rounds in PMS to MS vs just padding. This approach is slightly more complex, but does scale automatically with choice of cipher suite.
- [TLS] Two Decisions? Michael StJohns
- Re: [TLS] Two Decisions? Martin Thomson