[TLS] Updated TLS-LTS draft posted
Peter Gutmann <pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz> Sun, 26 June 2016 13:13 UTC
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From: Peter Gutmann <pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz>
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Thread-Topic: Updated TLS-LTS draft posted
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Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 13:13:01 +0000
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Subject: [TLS] Updated TLS-LTS draft posted
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I've just posted the latest draft, as per Russ' comments and Hubert Kario's suggestion this removes any mention of the term "profile" from the text, it's now called an update. It also clarifies some issues that were encountered during testing, for example what happens during a rehandshake and how signalling of LTS vs. extended master secret and encrypt-then-MAC are handled. There's also an open question as to what should happen when a suite with e.g. SHA-512 is negotiated. The LTS mandatory suites all use SHA-256, but it's possible to negotiate a suite with SHA-512 while still using LTS. Presumably this means the hash size will change to 64 bytes rather than 32. Finally, there's now a LTS test server available for interop testing, temporarily using the next free extension value 26 until a value is permanently assigned for LTS use, see the draft for details. Peter.
- [TLS] Updated TLS-LTS draft posted Peter Gutmann
- Re: [TLS] Updated TLS-LTS draft posted Joseph Lorenzo Hall