Re: [TLS] TLS@IETF101 Agenda Posted

Stephen Farrell <> Thu, 08 March 2018 17:21 UTC

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Subject: Re: [TLS] TLS@IETF101 Agenda Posted
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Hi Sean, Joe,

On 08/03/18 16:20, Sean Turner wrote:
> I’ve posted the draft agendas:
> Monday:

That includes:
TLS Vizability - Russ & Chairs - 30min
 - 10min draft - Russ
 - 10min discussion - Chairs
 - 10min wrap-up - Chairs

Consider this as an objection to that agenda item
being given any time. I also have some questions

This topic was discussed at length in Prague with a
very clear lack of consensus to consider any work in
that space, despite there being quite a few fans of
doing such work in the room that day. I don't see
that anything has changed in the meantime.

Russ' draft was discussed on the list last year, also
with (ISTM) no consensus at all to do any work in
that space. (While you didn't make a consensus call,
am I wrong?) The -01 version is not significantly
different from what was discussed on the list so I
see no need for any presentation nor discussion time.

Given the above, on what basis are meeting attendees
being asked to waste yet more f2f time on this topic?

And why is another want-it/hate-it exercise useful?

As chairs, are you going to continually allow the same
topic to be raised, in the face of a very clear lack
of consensus to do anything in this space? If not,
then what's the plan for ending this?


PS: I also strongly object to the "visibility" euphemism,
and while that's partly a comment on the draft, it would
also IMO be a significant error to pose any questions to
the WG based on that euphemism.