Re: [TLS] TLS 1.3 - Support for compression to be removed

Watson Ladd <> Fri, 09 October 2015 20:15 UTC

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Subject: Re: [TLS] TLS 1.3 - Support for compression to be removed
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On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 4:14 PM, Martin Rex <> wrote:
> Joseph Salowey wrote:
>> The chairs have read through this thread and do not see any new information
>> that would cause the working group to reconsider the decision to remove
>> compression from TLS 1.3.
> I am (and I was) perfectly fine with removing compression from TLSv1.3.
> (btw. our own implementation never implemented TLS compression).
>> Discussions about clarifying the language and
>> intent of the document are OK.
> But in the previous discussion only Todd Short seems to understand, why I am
> objecting to one specific requirement in the current plan to achieve
> removal of compression from TLSv1.3.
>>>> A ClientHello with
>>>>     ClientHello.client_version = (3,3)
>>>>     ClientHello.compression_methods = (DEFLATE(1),null(0))
>>>> will be interoperable with TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 servers.
>>>>     ClientHello.client_version = (3,4)
>>>>     ClientHello.compression_methods = (DEFLATE(1),null(0))
>>>> will be interoperable with TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 servers,
> The issue is about the TLSv1.3 server response for the second case above.
> If we want to have compression removed from TLSv1.3, then my suggested
> wording would be sufficient, and provide proper and robust negotiation
> of TLS protocol options:
>                                                    All TLS protocol
>   versions require the "null" compression method MUST be included/present
>   in the compression_methods list of ClientHello.  A TLSv1.3 server that
>   is offered and selects/negotiates protocol version TLSv1.3, MUST select
>   the "null" compression method, and MUST ignore all other compression
>   methods that might appear in the compression_methods list of ClientHello.
> The (current) text, which Eric quoted, on the other hand:
>                                                     For any TLS 1.3
>   ClientHello, this field MUST contain only the ?null? compression method
>   with the code point of 0. If a TLS 1.3 ClientHello is received with any
>   other value in this field, the server MUST generate a fatal
>   'illegal_parameter' alert.
> would require a TLSv1.3 server to unconditionally abort the TLS handshake
> rather than to negotiate the "null" compression and continue the handshake.

Why is it important that clients be permitted to signal support for
compression and TLS 1.3 conditionally? Remember, we also want to phase
out the use of compression in TLS 1.2.