Re: [TLS] Query for consensus on an "experimental/private-use" extension identifier
Kyle Hamilton <> Fri, 18 December 2009 00:27 UTC
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Query for consensus on an "experimental/private-use" extension identifier
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On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:25 PM, <> wrote: > The "IETF Consensus" number allocation process is described in RFC > 2434: it means writing an Internet-Draft, and getting it published > as an IETF stream RFC (the actual allocation happens when the > draft has been approved by the IESG). Alright. I'm just asking you (in your AD hat, thus this is an "IETF Submission" under RFC2434): Is there a particular way I have to use the I-D submission tool? Or do I just write an I-D that conforms to the IETF format, upload it, and call it 'draft-hamilton-tlsext-private-allocation.txt' or something? > However, I'd like to add that often such "private use" identifiers are > intentionally designed so that they would trample over each other (so > that they only work for private use/mutually agreed experiments, and > are not used just to avoid going through the IETF process). > > If we, for example, created a "private use" extension where the first > 4 bytes are the Enterprise Number (which anyone can get just by > filling a web form), the effect would probably be pretty much the same > as changing the IANA allocation policy for the whole registry to > "First Come First Served". Nobody would be forced to either use it or act on it, and it is a viable mechanism for extensions that applications actually find themselves needing (in my case, I need to obscure both the list of CAs that the peer acting as the server will accept and the list of CAs that the peer acting as the client will accept, in a way that is noncompliant with the TLS specification). I actually have a PEN, 22232. I was thinking of making the first part of the extension be the OID, in text form, of the extension. Nobody would have to interact with one that they do not understand. (If an extension is offered by the client, and is not recognized by the server, the server doesn't send it back. The client then has the option of continuing or aborting the connection. This was all specified as part of TLSEXT, and I can't see anyone who's actually implementing a different security policy than the one I have to work with actually doing anything with the data therein (that's tagged with my policy) -- it would only be able to be used by implementations that understood it, and still be in the handshake message hash for those implementations that didn't.) The problem that exists in the the TLS WG is that it (collectively) thinks its members knows everything, every possible location where its protocol could be used, and thus every possible policy that it could possibly be wanted to run under. This leads the TLS WG to attempt to encode what they think policy should be ('an unauthenticated server MUST NOT send a ClientCertificateRequest; if it does, the client MUST terminate with a fatal handshake_error') into absolute requirements in technical documents, which is an absolute mistake. I have several ideas that would extend the range of policies that can be used in TLS -- among others, an election protocol for two peers, neither of which believing it's a server or a client -- perhaps a peer to peer protocol that says "we know how to do TLS" so that they just operate in conjunction with each other, to essentially 'draw lots' for who the server should be. I'm also playing around with an idea where a TLS-capable file descriptor is opened to a listener which immediately sends a ClientHello, not a ClientHelloRequest. I'm playing around with them (they require a modification of the handshake protocol sequence), but I do have a concrete reason why I need an extension: the definition of "acceptable CA names", as it exists in the TLS specification, cannot be changed among compliant implementations. In my case, I'm working with a bunch of peers, most of which don't want to advertise in the clear that each accepts a particular CA. Since there's no way to know which CAs a particular peer works with (the entire reason for the "acceptable CA list" in SSLv3 and TLS), this means that I need to shash all of the names of CAs that the client-cert holder has, and I need to be able to match them on the peer with the list of acceptable CAs. This is arguably the same operation as sending "what CAs I will accept" from the server to the client, and thus already belongs in the handshake hash. Since I'm trying to minimize the disruption to the protocol, this requires either an extension, or the use of an additional record type (which I'm not comfortable using, because it won't be included as part of the handshake calculation). The fact is that the working Area you are the Director of isn't really motivated to provide workable security. Each member is only motivated to provide *the best security that they themselves need*. Security is a bunch of trade-offs, and one of them is "Secure so that the cost of breaking the security is only slightly beyond the value of what is secured". In the grand scheme of things, TLS could have been made a lot more generalized, and more people beyond SMTP and HTTP would actually use it. Since the range of available extension numbers is 15-34, I can't simply ask for one for a single application. I aim for my application (and TLS implementation) to be compliant with the spec; I'm simply stuck under additional constraints/requirements that TLS can not and will not flex to accommodate. Thus, my desire is for an extension that can be used for private signalling among implementations that understand it. There isn't even a 'private use' allocation, much less a 'research' allocation. And that's just moronic. (Or maybe it isn't. Forcing entities which understand this extension to do a sanity check on the data it contains, rather than blindly accepting it, might do wonders for increasing error detection rates. Then again, my cynicism says it won't. Either way, I have a legitimate private need to be able to use an extension that otherwise doesn't exist.) I'd rather have a single extension that can have multiple semantics than a single extension for each possible semantic; because of this, it requires a means of signalling which semantic to use for it. I'd also like to see the more successful semantics break out of the private-use extension mold and into standardized semantics, while the less successful ones fade back into the primordial soup of unrealized ideas. -Kyle H
- [TLS] Query for consensus on an "experimental/pri… Kyle Hamilton
- Re: [TLS] Query for consensus on an "experimental… Pasi.Eronen
- Re: [TLS] Query for consensus on an "experimental… Kyle Hamilton