[TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else)
Rob Sayre <sayrer@gmail.com> Sat, 08 June 2024 02:42 UTC
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From: Rob Sayre <sayrer@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:42:20 -0700
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To: Syed Suleman Ahmad <suleman.ietf@gmail.com>
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Subject: [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else)
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On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 6:34 PM Syed Suleman Ahmad > > So far we have seen that HRR incompatibility is NOT related to the choice > of keyshare, or whether the first Client Hello fits in a single packet or > not. It is simply lack of HRR support. > While the aggregate stats are good to check, what I've found in working on this stuff is that it's only a few origins that will get you. I'm sure Cloudflare has a lot of data. But you can map this to ~43% of the web being Wordpress, hosted on AWS, Hetzner, etc. The ones that get you are important ones running obscure infrastructure, like banks, government websites, and corporate portals. thanks, Rob
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Salz, Rich
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Martin Thomson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Salz, Rich
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Bas Westerbaan
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Loganaden Velvindron
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Filippo Valsorda
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Dennis Jackson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? David Adrian
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Salz, Rich
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Loganaden Velvindron
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Nick Harper
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Martin Thomson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? David Adrian
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Filippo Valsorda
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Loganaden Velvindron
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Richard Barnes
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Kampanakis, Panos
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? A A
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Salz, Rich
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Mike Shaver
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Filippo Valsorda
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Bas Westerbaan
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Bas Westerbaan
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Björn Haase
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Dennis Jackson
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Bas Westerbaan
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Sean Turner
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]HRR support (was something else) Martin Thomson
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Richard Barnes
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Bob Beck
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Rob Sayre
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? A A
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Is NIST actually prohibiting X25519? Richard Barnes
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Watson Ladd
- [TLS]Re: [EXT] Re: Is NIST actually prohibiting X… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? A A
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? A A
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Nick Harper
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Kampanakis, Panos
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Martin Thomson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Filippo Valsorda
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Ilari Liusvaara
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Filippo Valsorda
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Is NIST actually prohibiting X25519? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: [EXT] Re: Is NIST actually prohibiting X… John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? William.Layton@cyber.nsa.gov
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Richard Barnes
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Dennis Jackson
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Sophie Schmieg
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Richard Barnes
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Joseph Birr-Pixton
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Salz, Rich
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Watson Ladd
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Stephen Farrell
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Robert Relyea
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Rob Sayre
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Dennis Jackson
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Stephen Farrell
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Peter Gutmann
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Bas Westerbaan
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Syed Suleman Ahmad
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Björn Haase
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Sophie Schmieg
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? John Mattsson
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? D. J. Bernstein
- [TLS]Re: Curve-popularity data? Hubert Kario
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Andrei Popov
- [TLS]Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Curve-popularity data? Eric Rescorla
- [TLS]Re: HRR support (was something else) Peter Gutmann