[TLS] TLS 1.3 and existing drafts
Watson Ladd <watsonbladd@gmail.com> Fri, 28 March 2014 01:55 UTC
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Subject: [TLS] TLS 1.3 and existing drafts
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Dear all: draft-bhargavan-tls-session-hash-00.txt will likely need to be either adopted or obviated (by making the required behavior mandatory) in TLS 1.3: it fixes a real problem, which even eliminating renegotiation doesn't solve. (If we fix the handshake for TLS 1.3, we still need to indicate this in case of fallback) The proposed shift to AEAD schemes only seems to leave behind draft-ietf-tls-encrypt-then-mac-00, unless this is being defined ala AES+GCM, which I don't think it is. In both cases, having two separate fixes, one in TLS 1.2, and one in TLS 1.3 seems like a terrible idea. These drafts have not yet become RFCs, but if we want to avoid having TLS 1.3 as a new version on the wire, we should probably avoid having two distinct solutions for the same problem. Sincerely, Watson Ladd
- [TLS] TLS 1.3 and existing drafts Watson Ladd