[TLS] Substitute for renegotiation in TLS 1.3

Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@wien.gv.at> Mon, 23 February 2015 10:46 UTC

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From: Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@wien.gv.at>
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While researching a renegotiation problem I saw that TLS 1.3 has done away
with this feature altogether.

During the discussion that led to this
most people seemed to favor a new "rekey" facility as a substitute,
and this consensus is expressed in

In a first take, this was accomplished by repurposing ChangeCipherSpec
to create a new master secret:

However, in a later commit
ChangeCipherSpec was removed, and I can neither find the discussion leading
to that nor any mention in the commit how "rekey" should be accomplished now.

Does that mean that there is no possibility to renegotiate any more?
That would be unfortunate for my use case (encrypted database connections which
can last arbitrarily long).
Moreover, it would go against the consensus on the list, as quote above.

Laurenz Albe