[TLS] Closing some open comments on draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation

Sebastian Gajek <gajek@post.tau.ac.il> Mon, 14 December 2009 15:42 UTC

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Hi there,

sorry for putting another mail into the long list of TLS renegotiation
mails. I skimmed the TLS-renegotiation draft. Surely, a countermeasure is to
cryptographically link the TLS sessions. There are different approaches to
achieve this goal. I was wondering why you introduce a new cipher suite.
Wouldn't it be easier to require that finished values are a function of all
values received so far (incl. previous TLS sessions or at least their
finished values.) This countermeasure is simple, complies with the present
TLS spec and could result in faster adaption.

Is there a technicality I am not aware?

Thx for any feedback.

Sebastian Gajek
School of Computer Science
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Web: http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~gajek/