[TLS] FYI: discussion on TLS 1.2 SignatureAlgorithm IANA allocation

Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@mit.edu> Thu, 12 August 2021 05:52 UTC

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Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 22:51:56 -0700
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Hi all,

I recently did an RFC 5742 conflict review of a document that is
allocating new cipher suites for TLS 1.2 and also needs new signature
algorithms.  The document currently requests two allocations from the old TLS
1.2 SignatureAlgorithm registry that TLS 1.3 replaced with the two-octet
SignatureScheme registry.  (Actually, the registrations have been live for
2.5 years but the document is just getting ready for publication as an RFC

I tried to summarize the history and WG intent at the time of RFCs
8446/8447 in a note to tls-reg-review
and wanted to send a heads-up here in case I'm misrepresenting history
and/or WG intent.

Please send any follow-ups to me directly; I will collate and report back
if it turns out that I did get things wrong.
