[TLS]Meta deploying -hybrid-design
Deirdre Connolly <durumcrustulum@gmail.com> Mon, 12 August 2024 16:49 UTC
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Subject: [TLS]Meta deploying -hybrid-design
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Starting with internal connections: https://engineering.fb.com/2024/05/22/security/post-quantum-readiness-tls-pqr-meta/ > For our deployment, we have chosen Kyber with X25519 in a hybrid setting. Kyber is the only key encapsulation mechanism selected by NIST for standardization so far. Kyber comes in different parameterizations: Kyber512, Kyber768, and Kyber1024. Larger parameterizations provide stronger security but also require more computational resources and communication bandwidth. We aim to use Kyber768 by default, while using Kyber512 in some cases where larger parameterizations lead to prohibitive performance impact, to accelerate the deployment of PQC hybrid key exchange. Challenges include large packet sizes: > After evaluating various alternatives and workarounds, and given the prohibitive key size of Kyber768, we opted to use Kyber512 in internal communications affected by this problem for now, allowing us to accelerate the PQC deployment. Kyber512’s 800-bytes-long public keys help with fitting the ClientHello into a single TCP packet, while still being considered secure by NIST. This choice ensures both security and efficient communication. In the future, an increase in MTU, or utilizing QUIC, which allows for multiple initial packets, may allow for larger ClientHellos without an additional round trip. and cross-domain session resumption handshake thrashing: > As previously mentioned, we do Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange on resumption. To facilitate efficient use of computation resources, the client will send only the minimally required default keyshares, which in the resumption case means the keyshare for the previously negotiated named group. This means that when a client connects to a particular server and negotiates a classical named group, then subsequently resumes on a server with which the client should use a hybrid named group, the client would advertise the hybrid named group but send only the keyshare for the classical named group. This leads to the server negotiating the hybrid named group and replying with a HelloRetryRequest to ask the client for the hybrid keyshare, resulting in an additional 1-RTT to perform the key exchange. > To address this, we had the client split each service into different TLS session scopes – one using classical key exchange, and one using hybrid key exchange. Each session scope thus uses only one named group each, avoiding the keyshare thrashing behavior described above. The tradeoff is space consumption due to having to store more session tickets, but this has been acceptable given the small size of each session ticket (a few hundred bytes). They also included more in-the-wild data on Kyber768 computational costs: > Meta currently uses X25519 in Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange. During the initial rollout of hybrid key exchange with the hybrid named group X25519_kyber768, we observed a roughly 40 percent increase in CPU cycles. Although this may seem like an undesirable result, it actually indicates that Kyber768 standalone key exchange is faster than x25519, which lines up with results others have found.
- [TLS]Meta deploying -hybrid-design Deirdre Connolly
- [TLS]Re: Meta deploying -hybrid-design Martin Thomson
- [TLS]Re: Meta deploying -hybrid-design Kyle Nekritz