Re: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3

Pascal Urien <> Mon, 26 September 2016 08:28 UTC

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From: Pascal Urien <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 10:28:29 +0200
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To: "Ackermann, Michael" <>
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3
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Hi All

There is a smart way to recover DH secret by a third party

It is DH tripartite base on EC paring



2016-09-25 23:20 GMT+02:00 Ackermann, Michael <>:

> I understand your concern over what the nation-state actors are doing but
> it is not the same as what Enterprises do to manage their private servers,
> networks and clients.
> Your final paragraph is quite a constructive question.   "What
> specifically would you have us do? What do you want in the protocol that
> enables your needs, but doesn't make it possible for everyone in the world
> to be surveilled?  Please, make some specific suggestions."
> My personal perspective would be, that the approach to achieving an answer
> to that important question, would start with:
> 1.  Gathering  protocol neutral requirements from all involved factions,
> (with help and suggestions from people on the TLS list)
> 2.   Brainstorming session(s) with people on the TLS list as well
> potential users/operators, with objectives that include the design of a
> solution that meets (hopefully) all known requirements.
> What I would like to see come out of the debate we seem to be currently
> involved in,  is the realization that significant operational/management
> issues exist with TLS 1.3 and that the IETF is taking them seriously enough
> to at least begin dialogue intended to address these issues, and
> potentially work together to craft related solution(s).   In my view this
> issue is far too complex &  pervasive to believe that any one person or
> group's perspective would produce a viable overall solution.
> Again, let me restate,  I don't think anyone is saying that we MUST have
> RSA.    But, we, as the clients of the IETF TLS protocol, would like to
> work with you to assure we have workable, manageable  and affordable
> solutions,  that meets our needs as well as the needs of others.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Salz, Rich []
> Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2016 10:10 PM
> To: Ackermann, Michael <>; Pawel Jakub Dawidek <
> Subject: RE: [TLS] Industry Concerns about TLS 1.3
> >   This lack of scope, depth and detail [in MITM infrastructures] are
> > what drove us to install the packet collection infrastructures
> > (debugging networks I think some are saying).
> At the risk of repeating myself and flogging this dead horse...  What you
> are doing is exactly what the nation-state actors are doing.  I bet that
> some even use that exact phrase of "packet collection infrastructure."
> I understand that if you want to use TLS 1.3, it is going to be expensive
> and/or inconvenient; you're going to have to educate regulators and get
> bespoke TLS endpoint solutions from vendors. Perhaps you can get the NSA's
> to stop collecting everyone's Internet traffic for future decoding?
> Less flippantly, what specifically would you have us do? What do you want
> in the protocol that enables your needs, but doesn't make it possible for
> everyone in the world to be surveilled?  Please, make some specific
> suggestions.
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