[Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback
Donald Eastlake <d3e3e3@gmail.com> Tue, 01 June 2021 17:46 UTC
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From: Donald Eastlake <d3e3e3@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2021 13:46:35 -0400
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Subject: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback
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Hi, Some change seems to have been made to stop people from saving Diffs from the Rfcdiff Web Service, https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff. A very common scenario for me is that I am the pen holder on a draft so I edit my source and produce a candidate new text file. I then want to send it to co-authors or maybe a WG chair or whoever AND I would like to send along a Diff from the currently posted. It used to work just fine to use the Rfcdiff Tool to create a two column web page with nice color coded differences that I could save as an html file and ship along with the candidate new text file. Admittedly, recipients could save the text attachment to my email and do the diff themselves but I want to make it as easy as possible for them to see what's going on so they can send me comments or an OK. Now, if I do a save-as in Chrome while looking at the nice two column color coded diff, it saves some html which just gets you back to the Rfcdiff tool :-( And if I print the web page to PDF, all the color coding goes way :-( Can this be fixed so there is some way to produce a file to share the Rfcdiff output? Note: my candidate new text file is not web accessible so I can't just send them a URL to do the diff... Thanks, Donald =============================== Donald E. Eastlake 3rd +1-508-333-2270 (cell) 2386 Panoramic Circle, Apopka, FL 32703 USA d3e3e3@gmail.com
- [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Donald Eastlake
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Robert Sparks
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Jay Daley
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Donald Eastlake
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Jay Daley
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Tools-discuss] Rfcdiff v 0.12 feedback Jay Daley