[Tools-discuss] Deferred: IETF mail service outage

Robert Sparks <rjsparks@nostrum.com> Tue, 03 September 2024 12:45 UTC

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From: Robert Sparks <rjsparks@nostrum.com>
To: tools-discuss <tools-discuss@ietf.org>, Working Chairs <wgchairs@ietf.org>, IETF discussion list <ietf@ietf.org>, "irsg@irtf.org" <irsg@irtf.org>, RFC Interest <rfc-interest@rfc-editor.org>, RFC Editor <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org>
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Subject: [Tools-discuss] Deferred: IETF mail service outage
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Today's scheduled outage of the IETF email processing system has been 
deferred againto allow time to complete further work discovered to be 
required for a successful transition.

The current email processing infrastructure remains in service.

An updated schedule for the transition will be announced as soon as it 
is set.


IETF Tools Project Manager

On 8/30/24 11:41 AM, Robert Sparks wrote:
> The previously scheduled outage of the IETF email processing system 
> has been deferred to 3 September 2024 at 1200 UTC to allow time to 
> complete further work discovered to be required for a successful 
> transition.
> The current email processing infrastructure remains in service.
> The timing and duration of the outage on the 3rd is expected to be the 
> same, from 1200 to 1400 UTC.
> RjS
> IETF Tools Project Manager
> On 8/29/24 7:44 AM, Robert Sparks wrote:
>> The previously scheduled outage of the IETF email processing system 
>> has been deferred againto allow time to complete further work 
>> discovered to be required for a successful transition.
>> The current email processing infrastructure remains in service.
>> An updated schedule for the transition will be announced as soon as 
>> it is set.
>> RjS
>> IETF Tools Project Manager
>>> On 8/27/24 7:43 AM, Robert Sparks wrote:
>>>> The previously scheduled outage of the IETF email processing system 
>>>> has been deferred to 29 August 2024 at 1200 UTC to allow time to 
>>>> complete further work discovered to be required for a successful 
>>>> transition.
>>>> The current email processing infrastructure remains in service.
>>>> The timing and duration of the outage on the 29th is expected to be 
>>>> the same, from 1200 to 1400 UTC.
>>>> RjS
>>>> IETF Tools Project Manager
>>>> On 8/22/24 8:57 AM, Robert Sparks wrote:
>>>>> As the final major part of the transition of IT infrastructure, we 
>>>>> are planning an outage of the IETF mail processing system starting 
>>>>> around 1200 UTC on 27 August 2024. The outage window is from 1200 
>>>>> UTC to 1400 UTC. The actual outage duration is expected to last no 
>>>>> more than 1 hour.
>>>>> During the outage, delivery of messages to addresses at ietf.org, 
>>>>> iab.org, irtf.org, iesg.org, and rfc-editor.org, including email 
>>>>> lists, will be paused. The goal is to deliver all mail received 
>>>>> during the outage once the transition is complete. However, it is 
>>>>> possible that some mail meant to be received during this window 
>>>>> will not be recoverable.
>>>>> This transition is being undertaken by Sirius, the company 
>>>>> selected to migrate the IETF’s email processing systems to a new 
>>>>> cloud infrastructure and manage our email and mailing list 
>>>>> systems. [1]
>>>>> This transition will move our primary mail sending to be through 
>>>>> Amazon SES. The relevant SPF records have already been updated. 
>>>>> Further preparation is currently underway and is expected to 
>>>>> continue until just before the migration begins.
>>>>> An update will be provided once the work is complete, and no later 
>>>>> than 1500 UTC on 27 August 2024.
>>>>> The current system has a large number of moving parts accumulated 
>>>>> over decades of customization for the IETF community. This makes 
>>>>> the system exceedingly complex and the transition especially 
>>>>> brittle. If the transition can not be completed on 27 August we 
>>>>> will revert to the current infrastructure and reschedule the 
>>>>> transition.
>>>>> Issues encountered after the transition should be reported to:
>>>>> support@ietf.org
>>>>> These will be forwarded to Sirius for handling.
>>>>> RjS
>>>>> IETF Tools Project Manager
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/rfp-announce/8Ar1AodThJvj6Ro0WxPnIj2SOk8/