[Tools-discuss] Re: Reaching RFC authors

Michael Tuexen <michael.tuexen@lurchi.franken.de> Sun, 18 August 2024 19:31 UTC

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From: Michael Tuexen <michael.tuexen@lurchi.franken.de>
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Subject: [Tools-discuss] Re: Reaching RFC authors
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> On 18. Aug 2024, at 21:10, John Levine <johnl@taugh.com> wrote:
> It appears that Michael Tuexen  <michael.tuexen@lurchi.franken.de> said:
>> is it intended that the authors of RFC n can be reached via the
>> email address rfcn@ietf.org <mailto:rfcn@ietf.org>, where n is the number of the RFC?
> No.
OK. Why is this link used at
when I click on the 'Email authors' button. If I click on it,
an e-mail with To address rfc9260@ietf.org <mailto:rfc9260@ietf.org> is generated, which
is rejected by the ietf.org <http://ietf.org/> server when sent.
This looks inconsistent to me...

Best regards
> R's,
> John
> PS: We recently had a discussion related to this topic.  You can try the author
> addresses in the RFC, and in some cases where addresses have changed, you can find
> newer addresses by looking them up in the mail archive or datatracker.  In a few
> cases the RPC has newer addresses.
> Addresses like that with a simple regular pattern would be scraped by spambots in
> about ten seconds and so would need spam filters so fierce that they'd reject a
> lot of real mail, too.