[Tools-discuss] consensus="true" ?

Paul Wouters <paul@nohats.ca> Wed, 05 May 2021 01:27 UTC

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Subject: [Tools-discuss] consensus="true" ?
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My local xml2rfc warns me with:

Warning: Setting consensus="true" for IETF STD document (this is not the schema default, but is the only value permitted for this type of document)

When I add consensus="true" to the rfc tag, the warning goes away. But
the version running on the datatracker than warns me with:

One or more XML validation errors occurred when processing the XML file:

draft-ietf-ipsecme-labeled-ipsec-05.xml: Line 26: Value "true" for attribute consensus of rfc is not among the enumerated set

Which one is right, and who has the power to fix the one that is wrong?  :)
