[Tools-discuss] Re: Why does kramdown convert to US-ACSII?
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Thu, 29 August 2024 21:16 UTC
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Subject: [Tools-discuss] Re: Why does kramdown convert to US-ACSII?
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On 29. Aug 2024, at 22:51, Mike Ounsworth <Mike.Ounsworth=40entrust.com@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote: > > Hi tools team! Hi Mike! > Do you folks own the kramdown-rfc2629 tool? It’s open source, so we all own it. > Starting today, I see this error when building my I-D from markdown: > /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/kramdown-rfc2629-1.7.5/lib/kramdown-rfc/command.rb:603:in `encode': U+9673 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError) 1.7.5 was January 10, 2024 (and Ruby 3.0 was 2020), but that is probably not the reason. > The line that it is complaining about is: > 陳志華 (Abel C. H. Chen, Chunghwa Telecom) > So my question is: why is Kramdown forcing the document to US-ASCII? Probably because you told it to do that. You didn’t divulge the markdown source, did you? But I bet the YAML header has a line that looks approximately like: coding: ascii If that is not it, please do send me the source. > Am I not allowed to list authors with their Chinese names? For a few years now already, you are, and if things are getting in the way, they are a bug. (E.g, if you have problems with Han unification/traditional vs. simplified, I’d like to learn about those.) (By the way, if you want to dig deeper into RFCs written in markdown, we have a mailing list called rfc-markdown@ietf.org <mailto:rfc-markdown@ietf.org> — small and low-traffic. Here is the archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/rfc-markdown/ .) Grüße, Carsten
- [Tools-discuss] Why does kramdown convert to US-A… Mike Ounsworth
- [Tools-discuss] Re: Why does kramdown convert to … Carsten Bormann
- [Tools-discuss] Re: Why does kramdown convert to … Salz, Rich
- [Tools-discuss] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Why does kramd… Mike Ounsworth