Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268)

Marc Petit-Huguenin <> Mon, 28 September 2020 14:54 UTC

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Subject: Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268)
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On 9/28/20 7:36 AM, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
> Hi,
> A question here. Is the key used in the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 the MD5 derived
> one, or one derived using SHA256? If it is the former, then fine the lets just
> add a sentence of clarification as the option exist. But, Jared's previous
> comments appear to indicate the the key for the HMAC-SHA256 used in the
> intergrity was derived using SHA256. If it is the later, then I don't see any
> option than to include the password algorithm attribute and its algorithm
> indicator as it is a necessary component to correctly derive the key and thus
> being able to verify the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY. 


> I am just trying to ensure that the necessary information to be able to take
> this as test vector for this specific purpose actually works. But I think it
> needs to follow the updated version of STUN this RFC actually describe, not the
> old one.
> Cheers
> Magnus
> On Mon, 2020-09-28 at 03:22 -0700, Marc Petit-Huguenin wrote:
>> I do not concur.
>> Appendix B clearly states that this test vector augments the ones in RFC 5769,
>> and RFC 5769 also clearly states in its abstract that "[t]he content of some
>> of these [attributes] --  FINGERPRINT, MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, and XOR-MAPPED-
>> ADDRESS -- involve binary-logical operations (hashing, xor).  This document
>> provides test vectors for those attributes."
>> In other words this is not an example of STUN message, but an example of
>> attributes encoding, namely USERHASH and MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256.
>> So it does not matter if the message is incorrect, it still fulfills the
>> reason it was created which is to show a correct encoding of these
>> attributes.  Even the message length errata is not really necessary, as the
>> MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 was still correct.
>> Now there may be a need for a separate document that contains STUN and STUN
>> usages call flows, with correctly encoded messages, but that's a completely
>> different topic.
>> On 9/25/20 12:56 AM, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
>>> Hi Jared,
>>> Thanks for the clarification. Section (Subsequent Requests) states
>>> When the client sends a subsequent
>>>    request, it MUST include either the USERNAME or USERHASH, REALM,
>>>    NONCE, and PASSWORD-ALGORITHM attributes with these cached values.
>>> So my interpretation is that this Binding Request (sub sequent) is lacking
>>> the
>>> PASSWORD-ALGORITHM attribute. In Section 9.2.4 also states:
>>>       *  If the request contains neither the PASSWORD-ALGORITHMS nor the
>>>          PASSWORD-ALGORITHM algorithm, then the request is processed as
>>>          though PASSWORD-ALGORITHM were MD5.
>>> I think the discrepancy between the requirement on sending and what to do
>>> when
>>> receiving the request comes from backwards compatibility. But there are no
>>> reason that the B.1 should not contain the mandated PASSWORD-ALGORITHM
>>> attribute.
>>> Thus, it looks like the Appendix B.2 initial text should be clarified with:
>>> 1. That this is a subsequent binding request (for context setting). 
>>> 2. Make it clear that it is using SHA-256 as password alrgorithm, and thus
>>> PASSWORD-ALGORITH: Algorithm = 0x0002 (SHA-256)
>>> 3. Update the message and its integrity to contain a PASSWORD-ALGORITHM
>>> Authors, are you concurring?
>>> Cheers
>>> Magnus
>>> On Wed, 2020-09-23 at 17:58 +0100, RenThraysk wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Apologies for the delay. 
>>>> Yes, MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 and USERHASH both explicitly specify using
>>>> SHA256.
>>>> However this RFC adds some agility to computing the long term HMAC key
>>>> used to
>>>> compute the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256.
>>>> See
>>>> If using MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 implies that the SHA-256 algorithm ( 
>>>> ) then it's not clear
>>>> in
>>>> the RFC.
>>>> If it doesn't imply how the key is generated then suggest adding following
>>>> line to the test vector parameters  
>>>> "MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 long term key algorithm: SHA-256"
>>>> Jared.
>>>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 3:18 PM Magnus Westerlund <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jared,
>>>>> Any follow up on the the below question? I would like to conclude on
>>>>> this
>>>>> Errata.
>>>>> /Magnus
>>>>> On Mon, 2020-09-14 at 15:53 +0000, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Thanks Marc for the new test vector. 
>>>>>> Thanks Jared for verifying it.
>>>>>> I have updated the Errata with Marc latest test vector. 
>>>>>> Please check this.
>>>>>> Jared, I don't understand your request about noting SHA-256 password
>>>>>> algorithm.
>>>>>> To me it appears very clear in this section and in the message exactly
>>>>> what
>>>>>> protocol elements are being used. USERHASH and MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-
>>>>>> SHA256
>>>>> are
>>>>>> both
>>>>>> clear that they use SHA256. So if you want any change to the note, can
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> provide what text you propse? 
>>>>>> B.1.  Sample Request with Long-Term Authentication with MESSAGE-
>>>>>>       INTEGRITY-SHA256 and USERHASH
>>>>>>    This request uses the following parameters:
>>>>>>    Username: "<U+30DE><U+30C8><U+30EA><U+30C3><U+30AF><U+30B9>"
>>>>>> (without
>>>>>>    quotes) unaffected by OpaqueString [RFC8265] processing
>>>>>>    Password: "The<U+00AD>M<U+00AA>tr<U+2168>" and "TheMatrIX" (without
>>>>>>    quotes) respectively before and after OpaqueString [RFC8265]
>>>>>>    processing
>>>>>>    Nonce: "obMatJos2AAACf//499k954d6OL34oL9FSTvy64sA" (without quotes)
>>>>>>    Realm: "" (without quotes)
>>>>>> On Mon, 2020-09-14 at 15:47 +0100, RenThraysk wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> Ok, this is using the SHA256 Password Algorithm, so I suggest that
>>>>> should be
>>>>>>> noted in the errata as part of the parameters listed in B.1
>>>>>>> But can now successfully create the test vector from my code.
>>>>>>> Will open the other 
>>>>>>> errata proposing to strike the line about the right to left bit
>>>>> ordering.
>>>>>>> Jared
>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 2:15 PM Marc Petit-Huguenin <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> After looking at the emails exchanged at that time, the reason the
>>>>>>>> userhash
>>>>>>>> was different was because we tentatively changed the username
>>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>>> AUTH48,
>>>>>>>> then decided to use the original one, but my code got stuck with
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>> new
>>>>>>>> username.  I updated the code and the test-vector is now:
>>>>>>>>       00 01 00 88      Request type and message length
>>>>>>>>       21 12 a4 42      Magic cookie
>>>>>>>>       78 ad 34 33   }
>>>>>>>>       c6 ad 72 c0   }  Transaction ID
>>>>>>>>       29 da 41 2e   }
>>>>>>>>       00 1e 00 20      USERHASH attribute header
>>>>>>>>       4a 3c f3 8f   }
>>>>>>>>       ef 69 92 bd   }
>>>>>>>>       a9 52 c6 78   }
>>>>>>>>       04 17 da 0f   }  Userhash value (32 bytes)
>>>>>>>>       24 81 94 15   }
>>>>>>>>       56 9e 60 b2   }
>>>>>>>>       05 c4 6e 41   }
>>>>>>>>       40 7f 17 04   }
>>>>>>>>       00 15 00 29      NONCE attribute header
>>>>>>>>       6f 62 4d 61   }
>>>>>>>>       74 4a 6f 73   }
>>>>>>>>       32 41 41 41   }
>>>>>>>>       43 66 2f 2f   }
>>>>>>>>       34 39 39 6b   }  Nonce value and padding (3 bytes)
>>>>>>>>       39 35 34 64   }
>>>>>>>>       36 4f 4c 33   }
>>>>>>>>       34 6f 4c 39   }
>>>>>>>>       46 53 54 76   }
>>>>>>>>       79 36 34 73   }
>>>>>>>>       41 00 00 00   }
>>>>>>>>       00 14 00 0b      REALM attribute header
>>>>>>>>       65 78 61 6d   }
>>>>>>>>       70 6c 65 2e   }  Realm value (11 bytes) and padding (1 byte)
>>>>>>>>       6f 72 67 00   }
>>>>>>>>       00 1c 00 20      MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 attribute header
>>>>>>>>       23 41 12 fb   }
>>>>>>>>       d4 e2 7f 98   }
>>>>>>>>       3e b4 03 28   }
>>>>>>>>       36 f9 98 21   }  HMAC-SHA256 value
>>>>>>>>       6f 5b 23 f8   }
>>>>>>>>       d9 27 75 3f   }
>>>>>>>>       bc 4f 88 2b   }
>>>>>>>>       fb df 0d ec   }
>>>>>>>> I think that the note in the errata is fine (after updating the
>>>>>>>> test-
>>>>>>>> vector).
>>>>>>>> Let's open a separate errata for the other issue.
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> On 9/7/20 9:21 AM, Marc Petit-Huguenin wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yes, I will provide text.
>>>>>>>>> On 9/7/20 9:13 AM, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I will hold, but please consider if you directly have any text
>>>>>>>>>> proposal
>>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>>>>> the note part of the errata to explain the changes that are in
>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> if we 
>>>>>>>>>> need to change the text above the message itself to clarify
>>>>> thingS?
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>> Magnus
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Marc Petit-Huguenin <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: den 7 september 2020 18:11
>>>>>>>>>>> To: RenThraysk <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Magnus Westerlund <>;
>>>>>>>>>>>;; Gonzalo
>>>>> Camarillo
>>>>>>>>>>> <>;;
>>>>>>>>>>> dwing-
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268)
>>>>>>>>>>> That's a good question.  We changed the username after we
>>>>> discovered
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> the one I used previously was in fact invalid with the new
>>>>> PRECIS
>>>>>>>>>>> rules,
>>>>>>>> but 
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> am not sure why the one in the RFC is different.  I'll have
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>> archives to find exactly what is what, but that will have to
>>>>> wait
>>>>>>>>>>> until
>>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>>>>>> Monday morning.
>>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, Magnus, please hold on the errata modification.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/7/20 8:22 AM, RenThraysk wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>> Why has the Userhash value changed from the original test
>>>>> vector?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jared
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 3:21 PM Marc Petit-Huguenin
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Magnus,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's the corrected test-vector:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <begins>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       00 01 00 88      Request type and message length
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       21 12 a4 42      Magic cookie
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       78 ad 34 33   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       c6 ad 72 c0   }  Transaction ID
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       29 da 41 2e   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       00 1e 00 20      USERHASH attribute header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       63 aa 09 fc   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       23 81 0a 46   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       c9 76 e9 59   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       23 10 ee 1e   }  Userhash value (32 bytes)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       59 b7 06 e1   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       9d e1 bd 21   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       a9 f6 f7 40   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       28 d5 ba 71   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       00 15 00 29      NONCE attribute header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       6f 62 4d 61   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       74 4a 6f 73   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       32 41 41 41   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       43 66 2f 2f   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       34 39 39 6b   }  Nonce value and padding (3 bytes)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       39 35 34 64   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       36 4f 4c 33   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       34 6f 4c 39   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       46 53 54 76   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       79 36 34 73   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       41 00 00 00   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       00 14 00 0b      REALM attribute header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       65 78 61 6d   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       70 6c 65 2e   }  Realm value (11 bytes) and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> padding (1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> byte)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       6f 72 67 00   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       00 1c 00 20      MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256
>>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute
>>>>> header
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       8e 57 3d 97   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       75 33 21 ae   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       47 8c b6 a2   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       7b 8a 6b 3a   }  HMAC-SHA256 value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       89 08 9e e1   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       5f 62 6b 38   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       40 9f 48 ed   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       47 a5 df 57   }
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <ends>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/1/20 4:04 AM, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it is reasonable that we do an RFC Errata for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corrected test vector.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can edit the Errata request to have a different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text. So
>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> authors could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepare and review a proposal that fixes this I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit
>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> approve 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So if you can provide the text that goes into the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three
>>>>> parts:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Text: (I assume the full message from B.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corrected Text: Full message with corrected message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> length
>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recomputed Hash
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notes: If there are any additional that was already
>>>>> written
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remark about this error?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Magnus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 2020-08-31 at 17:00 +0000, Gonzalo Salgueiro
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (gsalguei)
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Magnus -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marc responded earlier so you may have missed it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Below
>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>> response:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +++++++++++
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This errata is correct, and there is nobody to blame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mistake
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Magnus, how to you want to proceed for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recomputed
>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vector?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +++++++++++
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gonzalo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 31, 2020, at 11:08 AM, Magnus Westerlund <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Author's can you please confirm if this is correct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>> not?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Magnus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 2020-08-30 at 08:22 -0700, RFC Errata
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> System
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The following errata report has been submitted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RFC8489,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may review the report below and at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6812c361-2320f3daa9544fe5&q=1&e=c28eb099-e321-4447-80c3-
>>>>>>>>>>> 942509fe0974&
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Type: Technical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reported by: Jared Williams <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Section: Appendix B.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Text
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00 01 00 9c      Request type and message length
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corrected Text
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00 01 00 88      Request type and message length
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The message length in the test vector (9c) is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolute length
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test vector. However from section 5. STUN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Structure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "The message length MUST contain the size of the
>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in bytes,
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   including the 20-byte STUN header."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the message length in the header should be 20
>>>>> less
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolute
>>>>>>>>>>>>> length
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the whole message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0x9C - 20, 0x88.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 HMAC-SHA256
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> Test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vector will need recomputing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instructions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This erratum is currently posted as "Reported".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please use "Reply All" to discuss whether it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> verified
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or rejected. When a decision is reached, the
>>>>> verifying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> party can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log in to change the status and edit the report,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RFC8489 (draft-ietf-tram-stunbis-21)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Title               : Session Traversal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Utilities
>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NAT (STUN)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Publication Date    : February 2020
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Author(s)           : M. Petit-Huguenin, G.
>>>>> Salgueiro,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> J.
>>>>>>>> Rosenberg,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> D.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wing,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R. Mahy, P. Matthews
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Source              : TURN Revised and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modernized
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Area                : Transport
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stream              : IETF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Verifying Party     : IESG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Magnus Westerlund

Marc Petit-Huguenin