[tram] [Errata Verified] RFC8489 (6268)
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The following errata report has been verified for RFC8489, "Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)". -------------------------------------- You may review the report below and at: https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6268 -------------------------------------- Status: Verified Type: Technical Reported by: Jared Williams <renthraysk@gmail.com> Date Reported: 2020-08-30 Verified by: Magnus Westerlund (IESG) Section: Appendix B.1 Original Text ------------- 00 01 00 9c Request type and message length 21 12 a4 42 Magic cookie 78 ad 34 33 } c6 ad 72 c0 } Transaction ID 29 da 41 2e } 00 1e 00 20 USERHASH attribute header 4a 3c f3 8f } ef 69 92 bd } a9 52 c6 78 } 04 17 da 0f } Userhash value (32 bytes) 24 81 94 15 } 56 9e 60 b2 } 05 c4 6e 41 } 40 7f 17 04 } 00 15 00 29 NONCE attribute header 6f 62 4d 61 } 74 4a 6f 73 } 32 41 41 41 } 43 66 2f 2f } 34 39 39 6b } Nonce value and padding (3 bytes) 39 35 34 64 } 36 4f 4c 33 } 34 6f 4c 39 } 46 53 54 76 } 79 36 34 73 } 41 00 00 00 } 00 14 00 0b REALM attribute header 65 78 61 6d } 70 6c 65 2e } Realm value (11 bytes) and padding (1 byte) 6f 72 67 00 } 00 1c 00 20 MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 attribute header e4 68 6c 8f } 0e de b5 90 } 13 e0 70 90 } 01 0a 93 ef } HMAC-SHA256 value cc bc cc 54 } 4c 0a 45 d9 } f8 30 aa 6d } 6f 73 5a 01 } Corrected Text -------------- Password Algorithm: SHA-256 (0x0002), and parameters len (0) 00 01 00 90 Request type and message length 21 12 a4 42 Magic cookie 78 ad 34 33 } c6 ad 72 c0 } Transaction ID 29 da 41 2e } 00 1e 00 20 USERHASH attribute header 4a 3c f3 8f } ef 69 92 bd } a9 52 c6 78 } 04 17 da 0f } Userhash value (32 bytes) 24 81 94 15 } 56 9e 60 b2 } 05 c4 6e 41 } 40 7f 17 04 } 00 15 00 29 NONCE attribute header 6f 62 4d 61 } 74 4a 6f 73 } 32 41 41 41 } 43 66 2f 2f } 34 39 39 6b } Nonce value and padding (3 bytes) 39 35 34 64 } 36 4f 4c 33 } 34 6f 4c 39 } 46 53 54 76 } 79 36 34 73 } 41 00 00 00 } 00 14 00 0b REALM attribute header 65 78 61 6d } 70 6c 65 2e } Realm value (11 bytes) and padding (1 byte) 6f 72 67 00 } 00 1d 00 04 PASSWORD-ALGORITHM attribute header 00 02 00 00 PASSWORD-ALGORITHM value (4 bytes) 00 1c 00 20 MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 attribute header b5 c7 bf 00 } 5b 6c 52 a2 } 1c 51 c5 e8 } 92 f8 19 24 } HMAC-SHA256 value 13 62 96 cb } 92 7c 43 14 } 93 09 27 8c } c6 51 8e 65 } Notes ----- The message length in the test vector (first line, value: 9c) is the absolute length of the whole test vector. However from section 5. STUN Message Structure "The message length MUST contain the size of the message in bytes, not including the 20-byte STUN header." So the message length in the header should be 20 bytes less than absolute length of the whole message. 0x9C - 20 = 0x88. Also the section was missing an indication of what password algorithm that was to be used to derive the password. As SHA-256 was used, and is not the default the PASSWORD-ALGORITHM attribute is required. Thus, this corrected message contains that STUN attribute. The corrected message has a recalculated Message-Integrity-SHA256 attribute. -------------------------------------- RFC8489 (draft-ietf-tram-stunbis-21) -------------------------------------- Title : Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Publication Date : February 2020 Author(s) : M. Petit-Huguenin, G. Salgueiro, J. Rosenberg, D. Wing, R. Mahy, P. Matthews Category : PROPOSED STANDARD Source : TURN Revised and Modernized Area : Transport Stream : IETF Verifying Party : IESG
- [tram] [Errata Verified] RFC8489 (6268) RFC Errata System