Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268)
Rohan Mahy <> Mon, 14 September 2020 14:46 UTC
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From: Rohan Mahy <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 07:46:05 -0700
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To: Marc Petit-Huguenin <>
Cc: Magnus Westerlund <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Gonzalo Camarillo <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
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Subject: Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268)
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Thank you Marc, -rohan On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 6:15 AM Marc Petit-Huguenin <> wrote: > After looking at the emails exchanged at that time, the reason the > userhash was different was because we tentatively changed the username > during AUTH48, then decided to use the original one, but my code got stuck > with the new username. I updated the code and the test-vector is now: > > 00 01 00 88 Request type and message length > 21 12 a4 42 Magic cookie > 78 ad 34 33 } > c6 ad 72 c0 } Transaction ID > 29 da 41 2e } > 00 1e 00 20 USERHASH attribute header > 4a 3c f3 8f } > ef 69 92 bd } > a9 52 c6 78 } > 04 17 da 0f } Userhash value (32 bytes) > 24 81 94 15 } > 56 9e 60 b2 } > 05 c4 6e 41 } > 40 7f 17 04 } > 00 15 00 29 NONCE attribute header > 6f 62 4d 61 } > 74 4a 6f 73 } > 32 41 41 41 } > 43 66 2f 2f } > 34 39 39 6b } Nonce value and padding (3 bytes) > 39 35 34 64 } > 36 4f 4c 33 } > 34 6f 4c 39 } > 46 53 54 76 } > 79 36 34 73 } > 41 00 00 00 } > 00 14 00 0b REALM attribute header > 65 78 61 6d } > 70 6c 65 2e } Realm value (11 bytes) and padding (1 byte) > 6f 72 67 00 } > 00 1c 00 20 MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 attribute header > 23 41 12 fb } > d4 e2 7f 98 } > 3e b4 03 28 } > 36 f9 98 21 } HMAC-SHA256 value > 6f 5b 23 f8 } > d9 27 75 3f } > bc 4f 88 2b } > fb df 0d ec } > > > I think that the note in the errata is fine (after updating the > test-vector). > > Let's open a separate errata for the other issue. > > Thanks. > > > On 9/7/20 9:21 AM, Marc Petit-Huguenin wrote: > > Yes, I will provide text. > > > > On 9/7/20 9:13 AM, Magnus Westerlund wrote: > >> Hi, > >> > >> I will hold, but please consider if you directly have any text proposal > for > >> the note part of the errata to explain the changes that are in there > and if we > >> need to change the text above the message itself to clarify thingS? > >> > >> Cheers > >> > >> Magnus > >> > >>> -----Original Message----- > >>> From: Marc Petit-Huguenin <> > >>> Sent: den 7 september 2020 18:11 > >>> To: RenThraysk <> > >>> Cc: Magnus Westerlund <>; > >>>;; > >>>;; Gonzalo Camarillo > >>> <>;; dwing- > >>>;; > >>> Subject: Re: [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268) > >>> > >>> That's a good question. We changed the username after we discovered > that > >>> the one I used previously was in fact invalid with the new PRECIS > rules, but > >>> I > >>> am not sure why the one in the RFC is different. I'll have to look > into my > >>> archives to find exactly what is what, but that will have to wait > until next > >>> Monday morning. > >>> > >>> Meanwhile, Magnus, please hold on the errata modification. > >>> > >>> Thanks. > >>> > >>> > >>> On 9/7/20 8:22 AM, RenThraysk wrote: > >>>> Hi > >>>> > >>>> Why has the Userhash value changed from the original test vector? > >>>> > >>>> Jared > >>>> > >>>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 3:21 PM Marc Petit-Huguenin > >>>> <> > >>>> wrote: > >>>> > >>>>> Hi Magnus, > >>>>> > >>>>> Here's the corrected test-vector: > >>>>> > >>>>> <begins> > >>>>> 00 01 00 88 Request type and message length > >>>>> 21 12 a4 42 Magic cookie > >>>>> 78 ad 34 33 } > >>>>> c6 ad 72 c0 } Transaction ID > >>>>> 29 da 41 2e } > >>>>> 00 1e 00 20 USERHASH attribute header > >>>>> 63 aa 09 fc } > >>>>> 23 81 0a 46 } > >>>>> c9 76 e9 59 } > >>>>> 23 10 ee 1e } Userhash value (32 bytes) > >>>>> 59 b7 06 e1 } > >>>>> 9d e1 bd 21 } > >>>>> a9 f6 f7 40 } > >>>>> 28 d5 ba 71 } > >>>>> 00 15 00 29 NONCE attribute header > >>>>> 6f 62 4d 61 } > >>>>> 74 4a 6f 73 } > >>>>> 32 41 41 41 } > >>>>> 43 66 2f 2f } > >>>>> 34 39 39 6b } Nonce value and padding (3 bytes) > >>>>> 39 35 34 64 } > >>>>> 36 4f 4c 33 } > >>>>> 34 6f 4c 39 } > >>>>> 46 53 54 76 } > >>>>> 79 36 34 73 } > >>>>> 41 00 00 00 } > >>>>> 00 14 00 0b REALM attribute header > >>>>> 65 78 61 6d } > >>>>> 70 6c 65 2e } Realm value (11 bytes) and padding (1 byte) > >>>>> 6f 72 67 00 } > >>>>> 00 1c 00 20 MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 attribute header > >>>>> 8e 57 3d 97 } > >>>>> 75 33 21 ae } > >>>>> 47 8c b6 a2 } > >>>>> 7b 8a 6b 3a } HMAC-SHA256 value > >>>>> 89 08 9e e1 } > >>>>> 5f 62 6b 38 } > >>>>> 40 9f 48 ed } > >>>>> 47 a5 df 57 } > >>>>> <ends> > >>>>> > >>>>> Thanks. > >>>>> > >>>>> On 9/1/20 4:04 AM, Magnus Westerlund wrote: > >>>>>> Hi, > >>>>>> > >>>>>> I think it is reasonable that we do an RFC Errata for this error to > >>>>> provide a > >>>>>> corrected test vector. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> I can edit the Errata request to have a different text. So if you > >>>>> authors could > >>>>>> prepare and review a proposal that fixes this I will edit and > approve > >>>>>> it. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> So if you can provide the text that goes into the three parts: > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Original Text: (I assume the full message from B.1 here) > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Corrected Text: Full message with corrected message length and > >>>>> recomputed Hash > >>>>>> value. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Notes: If there are any additional that was already written that you > >>>>> like to > >>>>>> remark about this error? > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Cheers > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Magnus > >>>>>> > >>>>>> On Mon, 2020-08-31 at 17:00 +0000, Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei) > wrote: > >>>>>>> Hi Magnus - > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Marc responded earlier so you may have missed it. Below is his > >>> response: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> +++++++++++ > >>>>>>> This errata is correct, and there is nobody to blame for that > >>>>>>> mistake > >>>>> but me. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Magnus, how to you want to proceed for the recomputed test vector? > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Thanks. > >>>>>>> +++++++++++ > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Cheers, > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Gonzalo > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> On Aug 31, 2020, at 11:08 AM, Magnus Westerlund < > >>>>>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Hi, > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Author's can you please confirm if this is correct or not? > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Cheers > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Magnus > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> On Sun, 2020-08-30 at 08:22 -0700, RFC Errata System wrote: > >>>>>>>>> The following errata report has been submitted for RFC8489, > >>>>>>>>> "Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)". > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------- > >>>>>>>>> You may review the report below and at: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>> > > >>>>> 6812c361-2320f3daa9544fe5&q=1&e=c28eb099-e321-4447-80c3- > >>> 942509fe0974& > >>>>> > >>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------- > >>>>>>>>> Type: Technical > >>>>>>>>> Reported by: Jared Williams <> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Section: Appendix B.1 > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Original Text > >>>>>>>>> ------------- > >>>>>>>>> 00 01 00 9c Request type and message length > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Corrected Text > >>>>>>>>> -------------- > >>>>>>>>> 00 01 00 88 Request type and message length > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Notes > >>>>>>>>> ----- > >>>>>>>>> The message length in the test vector (9c) is the absolute length > >>>>>>>>> of > >>>>> the > >>>>>>>>> whole > >>>>>>>>> test vector. However from section 5. STUN Message Structure > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> "The message length MUST contain the size of the message in > bytes, > >>> not > >>>>>>>>> including the 20-byte STUN header." > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> So the message length in the header should be 20 less than > >>>>>>>>> absolute > >>>>> length > >>>>>>>>> of > >>>>>>>>> the whole message. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> 0x9C - 20, 0x88. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Also the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY-SHA256 HMAC-SHA256 value of the > >>> Test > >>>>>>>>> Vector will need recomputing. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Instructions: > >>>>>>>>> ------------- > >>>>>>>>> This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, > >>>>>>>>> please use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified > >>>>>>>>> or rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party can > >>>>>>>>> log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------- > >>>>>>>>> RFC8489 (draft-ietf-tram-stunbis-21) > >>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------- > >>>>>>>>> Title : Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) > >>>>>>>>> Publication Date : February 2020 > >>>>>>>>> Author(s) : M. Petit-Huguenin, G. Salgueiro, J. > Rosenberg, > >>>>> D. > >>>>>>>>> Wing, > >>>>>>>>> R. Mahy, P. Matthews > >>>>>>>>> Category : PROPOSED STANDARD > >>>>>>>>> Source : TURN Revised and Modernized > >>>>>>>>> Area : Transport > >>>>>>>>> Stream : IETF > >>>>>>>>> Verifying Party : IESG > >>>>>>>> -- > >>>>>>>> Cheers > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Magnus Westerlund > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>> > >>> > > > > > > > -- > Marc Petit-Huguenin > Email: > Blog: > Profile: >
- [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6268) RFC Errata System
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei)
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… RenThraysk
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… RenThraysk
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Rohan Mahy
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… RenThraysk
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… RenThraysk
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… RenThraysk
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Marc Petit-Huguenin
- Re: [tram] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8489 (6… Magnus Westerlund