Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun-pmtud-17.txt
"Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei)" <> Mon, 15 February 2021 17:36 UTC
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From: "Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei)" <>
To: Gonzalo Camarillo <>
CC: "Felipe Garrido (fegarrid)" <>, Magnus Westerlund <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Marc Petit-Huguenin <>
Thread-Topic: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun-pmtud-17.txt
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Subject: Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun-pmtud-17.txt
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Hi Gonzalo - Sorry for the delay in response. We’ve been struggling to get in contact with Felipe. Give us a bit more time so we are able to get accurate latest status. Cheers, Gonzalo > On Feb 9, 2021, at 8:34 AM, Gonzalo Camarillo <> wrote: > > Hi Felipe, authors, > > what is the current status of this? > > Cheers, > > Gonzalo > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Felipe Garrido (fegarrid) <> >> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 18:05 >> To: Gonzalo Camarillo <>; Magnus >> Westerlund <>;; >> >> Cc: >> Subject: Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun-pmtud-17.txt >> >> Hi Gonzalo, >> >> We are finalizing the last set of changes to address some additional >> comments and will be publishing a new version of the draft shortly. >> >> Thanks, >> -Felipe >> >> On 10/22/20, 8:38 AM, "Gonzalo Camarillo" >> <> wrote: >> >> Authors, Magnus, >> >> what is the status of this? >> >> Cheers, >> >> Gonzalo >> >>> -----Original Message----- >>> From: Magnus Westerlund <> >>> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 14:41 >>> To:;; >>> Cc: >>> Subject: Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun-pmtud-17.txt >>> >>> Hi, >>> >>> >>> Great to see progress on this. I think this is clearly a step in the right >>> direction. However, I think there are a couple of integration points that >>> needs a bit more clarification. >>> >>> On Mon, 2020-09-14 at 18:04 +0100, Gorry Fairhurst wrote: >>>> Thanks for this new revision! It indeed answers many of the issues >>>> that were identified. >>>> >>>> I do still see a few things left that the WG should decide upon, and >>>> hope this helps: >>>> --- >>>> The text says this:"A client MUST NOT send a probe if it does not have >>>> knowledge that the server supports this specification. This is done >>>> either by external signalling or by a mechanism specific to the UDP >>>> protocol to which PMTUD capabilities are added or by one of the >>>> mechanisms specified in Section 5." >>>> - This looks like a strong requirement without saying why this is a >>>> "MUST NOT". >>>> - I don't actually understand how this is determined in this spec and >>>> how this can be extened to other protocols. >>> >>> Isn't this as case of SHOULD NOT send, and the probing will fail if there >> are >>> no responses per the RFC 8899 process? Likely this can quite simply be >>> connected so that there are handling when the signalling has failed to >>> correctly handle this. >>> >>>> --- >>>> In section 7: >>>> This section has added a section that is a cross-reference to sections >>>> in DPLPMTUD. This does seem like a useful addition (and appropriate). >>>> Currently this doesn’t really seem to me to have enough detail to >>>> clearly see how the two sets of text relate, one might have to read >>>> both to figure out the details, and if that’s the case, maybe it could >>>> be helpful tp be explained up front in the intriduction? >>>> --- >>>> DPLPMTUD contains guidance on flow control and congestion control. >>>> This doesn’t describe the implications of probing on flow control >> control. >>>> I’m not sure the current text is enough: 8. Probing and flow control: >>>> This requirement is out of scope and is not discussed in this document. >>>> - Do probe packets count as credit to an upper layer protocol using >>>> this method? Here are there options: One could be to explain how this >>>> is done, the easiest mighht be to explain the usage in STUN does not >>>> require this, or the third: defer to DPLPMTUD saying this applies. >>> >>> So to my understanding the STUN probing traffic will be rate controlled. >>> However, to what rate is not that clear. I don't know if the interaction >>> between the RFC 8899 state machine and process and this mechanism to >>> judge how that bounds the prob transmission. My impression would be >> that >>> for simple probing mechanism RFC 8899 search will trigger the >> transmission >>> of partiular probe size, and retry it Rc times if response is not arriving >> timely. >>> These retransmission would be controlled by the RTO in STUN. While >> probing >>> for an additional size would be governed by RFC 8899 search requesting >>> probing of a new size. Which I don't find any given limit to. But, it will not >>> result in more than one packet per RTT unless actual path RTT > RTO (500 >>> ms). >>> >>> >>> >>>> --- >>>> “9. Shared PLPMTU state: This requirement is out of scope and is not >>>> discussed in this document.” >>>> - Why is 9. out of scope? ... what does the method do with the >>>> (PL)PMTU value that it discovers? How is this made available to a user >>>> of the method and is the method cached in way? >>>> >>>> - How does the method relate to the cached value of PMTUD at the >>>> sender, if that is already running on a platform, doesn't this new >>>> method mean than the PMTU cache and PTB-updates have to be >>>> over-ridden, as is the case when using DPLPMTUD with other protocol >>> stacks? >>>> >>>> - Also is it that the discovered (PL)PMTU value can never be cached by >>>> another usage of STUN? (I may have misunderstood) >>>> >>>> --- >>>> Section 7. Rev-18 also introduces quite a few typos - but I assume a >>>> spelling checker will find and help correct these. >>>> --- >>>> >>>> That leaves Section 5: >>>> >>>> I still don’t yet see changes in this version to section 5: >>>> >>>> >>> “The PMTUD mechanism described in this document is intended to be >> used >>>> by any UDP-based protocols that do not have built-in PMTUD >>>> capabilities, irrespective of whether those UDP-based protocols are >>>> STUN-based or not. " >>>> - Please see comments made in the previous last call, about this ID >>>> not defining this for other UDP-based protocols. At the moment it >>>> still says this ID applies to other uses of UDP (which I did not see >>>> explained, nor do I think this is needed). To me, much of the spec >>>> proposed seems to me to rely upon the STUN multiplexing to sepearate >>>> the probe packets from data, to receive feedback and to introduce >>> padding. >>>> - Please discuss the expected scope of the spec with your WG AD, and >>>> suggest how to best take section 5 forward. >>>> >>> >>> On this issues, my view is that this document tries to oversell its >> capability. >>> The probe method can be combined with UDP based protocols that can >> be >>> multiplexed with STUN on the same port. The considerations that went >> into >>> RFC >>> 7983 does need to be considered here in relation to if one can deploy >> this >>> type of probing messages. So I think you need to make this applicability >>> clearer. >>> >>> Cheers >>> >>> Magnus Westerlund >>> >>> >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Networks, Ericsson Research >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Ericsson AB | Mobile +46 73 0949079 >>> Torshamnsgatan 23 | >>> SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden | mailto: >> >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> >> >
- [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun-pmt… Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Felipe Garrido (fegarrid)
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Felipe Garrido (fegarrid)
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Felipe Garrido (fegarrid)
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Gonzalo Camarillo
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Felipe Garrido (fegarrid)
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Gonzalo Camarillo
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei)
- Re: [tram] A few comments on draft-ietf-tram-stun… Marc Petit-Huguenin