[Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings.
Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam@gmail.com> Thu, 13 March 2014 17:29 UTC
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Subject: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings.
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I am trying to make sense of the log file encoding (section 3). this does not seem to me to be properly or clearly specified. RFC6962 punts the encoding question to RFC5246 but this only helps somewhat because the description there is atrocious. In particular it is implicit in the text that digitaly-signed is equivalent to the ASN.1 macro. But this isn't actually explained anywhere in section 4 of 5246. So as a result there is no information on where the signature appears in the data stream, does it precede or follow the signed data? This is quite problematic because in the TLS use the signed data does not appear on the wire at all, the construct is used in client auth when the prior handshake is signed so there is no need to retransmit the data. It looks to me like the idea here is that the SCT does not need to include the certificate or precertificate data because the corresponding signed data will always be implicit from the mode of use. But that needs to be clearly stated. At the moment the specification is assuming that the reader has a high degree of familiarity with PKIX and TLS encodings and can switch gear between them. -- Website: http://hallambaker.com/
- [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Rob Stradling
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Eran Messeri
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Rick Andrews
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. David A. Cooper
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Rick Andrews
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Rick Andrews
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Salz, Rich
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Erwann Abalea
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Bill Frantz
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Erwann Abalea
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Bill Frantz
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Rob Stradling
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Rob Stradling
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Stephen Kent
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Stephen Kent
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Salz, Rich
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Stephen Kent
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Bill Frantz
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Gervase Markham
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Gervase Markham
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings. Eran Messeri