[Trans] Toronto session

Melinda Shore <melinda.shore@gmail.com> Tue, 29 April 2014 14:56 UTC

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I need to get a session request in for the Toronto meeting.
I have a strong preference for using face to face meeting time
for discussion and for resolving issues that have been raised on
the mailing list or in the issue tracker.  Right now things
seem to be going smoothly, but I'd like to get a sense from
the people actually doing the work of what they feel would benefit
from face-to-face discussion, how much time they think is
needed, whether or not there are outstanding issues that need
more explanation, etc.

Trying to figure out how much time to request, as well.  The
options are 1 hour, 2 hours, 2.5 hours, and some combination
in multiple sessions.  Right now my feeling is that we wouldn't
need more than two hours but I'm open to requesting more
if there's a need.
