[Trans] Milestones
Melinda Shore <melinda.shore@gmail.com> Thu, 20 February 2014 17:13 UTC
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One of the first things we need to do is to establish milestones for working group deliverables, specifically a target date for getting 6962bis through working group last call. It's my sense right now that things are going pretty smoothly and there are no major points of contention. If we shoot for November 2014 for wglc we'd be able to discuss problems that come up during last call at the November meeting. So: Does November 2014 seem reasonable for working group last call for 6962bis? Melinda
- [Trans] Milestones Melinda Shore
- Re: [Trans] Milestones Rob Stradling
- Re: [Trans] Milestones Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] Milestones Melinda Shore