Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log?
Ben Laurie <> Thu, 13 March 2014 16:51 UTC
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Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:51:20 +0000
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From: Ben Laurie <>
To: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
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Subject: Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log?
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On 13 March 2014 16:31, Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> wrote: > On 03/13/2014 12:06 PM, Ben Laurie wrote: >> So, total average load is 3 * b * w / l ~ 20,000 web fetches per >> second. > > This part i follow (you're switching temporal units between months and > years and seconds, but i get roughly the same final figures) > >> If we optimise the API we can get that down to 7,000 qps. Each >> query (in the optimised case) would be around 3 kB, > > And i agree this seems like a win. Why was the API broken into three > parts instead of the complete proof originally? what (other than > conceptual cleanliness) might we lose by creating the optimized API? > >> which gives a bandwidth of around 150 kb/s. > > This looks off by a few orders of magnitude to me. 7kqps and 3kB/q > gives me 7000*3000*8 bits per second, which is 168Mbps. Am i missing > something? Sorry, you are correct - I meant 150,000 kb/s! > Should we be considering swarm-based distribution of this kind of data, > or hierarchical proxying for load distribution? Maybe :-) One thing we're working on is distributing the proofs via DNS, which is obviously of exactly that nature - which would definitely reduce bandwidth at the servers.
- [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Rob Stradling
- Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Ben Laurie
- Re: [Trans] What's the load on a CT log? Eran Messeri