Re: [Trans] RFC6962 BIS Log file encodings.

Rob Stradling <> Thu, 13 March 2014 20:20 UTC

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(Inspired by RFC5280 Appendix C)

Would it help to include one or more example SCTs in the text?

On 13/03/14 17:29, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> I am trying to make sense of the log file encoding (section 3). this
> does not seem to me to be properly or clearly specified.
> RFC6962 punts the encoding question to RFC5246 but this only helps
> somewhat because the description there is atrocious.
> In particular it is implicit in the text that digitaly-signed is
> equivalent to the ASN.1 macro. But this isn't actually explained
> anywhere in section 4 of 5246. So as a result there is no information on
> where the signature appears in the data stream, does it precede or
> follow the signed data?
> This is quite problematic because in the TLS use the signed data does
> not appear on the wire at all, the construct is used in client auth when
> the prior handshake is signed so there is no need to retransmit the data.
> It looks to me like the idea here is that the SCT does not need to
> include the certificate or precertificate data because the corresponding
> signed data will always be implicit from the mode of use. But that needs
> to be clearly stated.
> At the moment the specification is assuming that the reader has a high
> degree of familiarity with PKIX and TLS encodings and can switch gear
> between them.
> --
> Website:
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Rob Stradling
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