[trill] Routing Directorate QA Review of draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-unique-nickname
Julien Meuric <julien.meuric@orange.com> Fri, 14 April 2017 17:55 UTC
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From: Julien Meuric <julien.meuric@orange.com>
To: trill@ietf.org, draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-unique-nickname.all@ietf.org
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Subject: [trill] Routing Directorate QA Review of draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-unique-nickname
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Hello, I have been selected as the Routing Directorate QA reviewer for this draft. For more information about the Routing Directorate, please see http://trac.tools.ietf.org/area/rtg/trac/wiki/RtgDir At this stage, the intend of the following is not to discuss the WG's decision about the I-D, but rather to help improving its content. Please note that, even though I have reviewed a few TRILL I-Ds in the past, I do not consider myself as being fluent in TRILL (yet?). _Summary_ The document defines a protocol extension which looks both correctly motivated and correctly scoped. However, the current wording of the behavior requires some improvement to become clear enough to someone who has not followed the associated discussions. _Comments_ There are mainly 2 sections which deserve improvement. First, the 3rd paragraph in section 3.2 is requires that "global Data Labels are disabled". Without more background, the phrase could refer to: - no global label is used/advertised, - received global labels are ignored/dropped, - received global labels are explicitly refused, - global labels are not distinguished from local labels (as suggested by the parenthesis). >From the following sentence, I understand that a legacy RBridge may benefit from global trees, however does it makes sense if that legacy RBridge is in a level 1 area and "MUST guarantee that global Data Labels are disabled"? Then, in section 4.3, I faced several (minor) issues. 1- The calculation of the length field seems incorrect. The formula looks aligned on the 1st figure on pages 9/10, depicting Nickname Blocks as 16-bit fields, however the bottom of page 10 defines them as 32 bits. As a result, the figure should extend the Nickname Block fields up to 2 "lines" and the length calculation would thus change to "2 + 4*K". 2- The definition of the set OK flag has puzzled me. Assuming it is meant to enable a border RBridge to advertise the Nickname Blocks associated to its attached Level 1 area, its definition is currently specified in a Level 1 context, and then scoped to both Levels 1 and 2. However, the definition wording for Level 1 is not applicable to Level 2. This could certainly be addressed either by a more generic definition (e.g. "Blocks associated to its attached Level 1 area") or by a 2-step definition: - "advertisement in Level 1 means...", - "advertisement in Level 2 means...". _Nits_ Page 3: - s/referred as the "unique nickname"/referred to as the "unique nickname"/ - s/that are transitions between/that transition between/ - s/RBrides/RBridges/ On figure 3.1, area boudaries looked odd, how about... Area X level 2 Area Y +-----------------+ +---------------------+ +------------+ | | | | | | S---RB27---Rx--Rz---RB2---Rb---Rc--Rd---Re--RB3---Rk--RB44---D | 27 | | | | 44 | | | | | | | +-----------------+ +---------------------+ +------------+ On page 4: - s/Let's say/Let us say/ - s/let's say/let us say/ On page 5: - s/only different is/only difference is/ On Figure 3.2, I assume that the order of the names on the first line does not change anything, but I have been puzzled not to find RB2 as the list head. Have you considered putting it as the 1st one of the list? On page 9, the word "artificial" seems both odd and useless. In section 5, RFC 7176 is used as a fallback mechanism for incompatible RBridges. What about its uses in other cases? Is it still allowed (though less efficient) or precluded? A clarification would be useful (maybe in section 4.3). On page 13, "TreeSel" is now RFC 7968. Regards, Julien
- [trill] Routing Directorate QA Review of draft-ie… Julien Meuric
- Re: [trill] Routing Directorate QA Review of draf… Zhangmingui (Martin)