[trill] Trill List Outage
Glen <glen@amsl.com> Wed, 09 May 2012 00:56 UTC
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Date: Tue, 08 May 2012 17:56:32 -0700
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Subject: [trill] Trill List Outage
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Dear Trill List - As some of you may already know, your list has been out of service for about the last six hours or so. Messages sent to the list would have resulted in a delivery failure message back to the sender. Donald Eastlake reported this to us several hours ago, and the problem is now fixed. It appears that, when we created a new mailing list earlier this morning, mailman failed to rebuild one of the mail database files (the "virtual table" file used by Postfix) necessary for proper list mail transport. It turns out that the server permissions on that file were wrong, although I do not know why that would have happened, and so mailman could not recreate the file. Of course, mailman did not give me an error message of any kind (I created the list myself) so I wasn't aware of that failure, but because of it, a pre-March version of the database was used instead, resulting in the breakage of your list, and several lists created for IETF 84. I've fixed the permissions, so this "should" not happen again, and I'm copying the entire AMS IETF Team on this email so that they are all aware of this. If there is some larger problem with mailman, however, we may have more work to do. We'll keep an eye on it over the next several list creates, to help ensure this does not happen again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Please feel free to contact us at ietf-action if any of you encounter any further problems. Glen Glen Barney IT Director AMS (IETF Secretariat)