[trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mechanisms-02 - 2 week WG (5/29 to 6/12)
"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Fri, 29 May 2015 12:10 UTC
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Subject: [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mechanisms-02 - 2 week WG (5/29 to 6/12)
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This is to begin a 2 week WG LC on the draft: draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mechanisms-02 (5/29 to 6/12). You can find the draft at: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mechanisms / There are 3 IPR statements https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/search/?submit=draft <https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/search/?submit=draft&id=draft-ietf-trill-d irectory-assist-mechanisms> &id=draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mechanisms The authors (Donald, Linda, Radia, Igor, Yizhou) should indicate if they know if any additional IPR. A summary of the document is: This document describes mechanisms for providing directory service to TRILL (Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links) edge switches. The directory information provided can be used in reducing multi- destination traffic, particularly ARP/ND and unknown unicast flooding. It can also be used to detect traffic with forged source addresses. One of our main objects for 2015 is to complete the directory services work. Please answer a few questions 1) Do you consider this draft for IESG publishing? 2) Does the IPR cause you any concerns in agreeing to publish this as an TRILL standard? 3) Does it provide necessary directory services for better deployment of TRILL? 4) Are there any technical problems? Sue Hares and Jon Hudson
- [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mechani… Susan Hares
- Re: [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mec… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mec… Mingui Zhang
- [trill] my thoughts ->Re: draft-ietf-trill-direct… gayle noble
- Re: [trill] my thoughts ->Re: draft-ietf-trill-di… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mec… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mec… Liyizhou
- Re: [trill] draft-ietf-trill-directory-assist-mec… Radia Perlman