[trill] 答复: WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20)
Vero Zheng <vero.zheng@huawei.com> Fri, 10 March 2017 06:39 UTC
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From: Vero Zheng <vero.zheng@huawei.com>
To: "Zhangmingui (Martin)" <zhangmingui@huawei.com>, "Vengada Prasad Govindan (venggovi)" <venggovi@cisco.com>, Susan Hares <shares@ndzh.com>, "trill@ietf.org" <trill@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20)
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Subject: [trill] 答复: WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20)
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Support. The support of P2MP BFD in TRILL is essential for TRILL multicast failure detection. Regards, Vero 发件人: trill [mailto:trill-bounces@ietf.org] 代表 Zhangmingui (Martin) 发送时间: 2017年3月9日 21:38 收件人: Vengada Prasad Govindan (venggovi); Susan Hares; trill@ietf.org 抄送: trill-chairs@ietf.org 主题: Re: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20) Support. Multi-poing BFD can be used by TRILL distribution trees. Thanks, Mingui ________________________________ From: trill [trill-bounces@ietf.org] on behalf of Vengada Prasad Govindan (venggovi) [venggovi@cisco.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 14:57 To: Susan Hares; trill@ietf.org<mailto:trill@ietf.org> Cc: trill-chairs@ietf.org<mailto:trill-chairs@ietf.org> Subject: Re: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20) Support as co-author of this draft. Also am not aware of any IP related to this draft. Thanks Prasad From: trill [mailto:trill-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Susan Hares Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:55 AM To: trill@ietf.org<mailto:trill@ietf.org> Cc: trill-chairs@ietf.org<mailto:trill-chairs@ietf.org> Subject: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20) We did not receive any comments on the WGLC for draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt (https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/trill/current/msg07692.html) Perhaps this was because I started the WG LC during Chinese new year. We will try a second WG LC before declaring “no support for this draft” In your comments please consider, 1) Does the support of multi-point BFD aid deployments? 2) Are the suggested additions to RFC7177 bootstrapping sufficient for this technology? 3) Do you feel this technology is ready for standardization? Sue Hares
- [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7… Susan Hares
- Re: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt -… Liubing (Remy)
- Re: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt -… Vengada Prasad Govindan (venggovi)
- Re: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt -… Zhangmingui (Martin)
- [trill] 答复: WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt -… Vero Zheng
- Re: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt -… Donald Eastlake