Re: [trill] TRILL OAM Requirements: available paths

Donald Eastlake <> Mon, 30 April 2012 01:27 UTC

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I don't think the wording "all paths" should ever be used. If you the
it literally, it would even include paths that go through some
RBridges more than once.

I don't particularly like "all ECMP paths" either. I think the
clearest wording is "all least cost paths" if you are talking about
known unicast. (And "all distribution tree paths" if you were talking
about multi-destination frames.)

 Donald E. Eastlake 3rd   +1-508-333-2270 (cell)
 155 Beaver Street, Milford, MA 01757 USA

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 11:45 PM, Erik Nordmark <> wrote:
> On 4/27/12 5:12 PM, Tissa Senevirathne (tsenevir) wrote:
>> Of course it is possible. The IS-IS topology table provide the
>> information on all available ECMP paths to a specific destination when
>> the egress RBRidge nickname is known. That is what TRILL unicast
>> forwarding table all about. Not sure why you are saying it is not
>> possible to know all ECMP paths.
> You are talking about what Santosh called "all theoretically available
> paths". Those can be determined from IS-IS.
> But the document talks about "all available paths" and I don't know what
> that is supposed to mean. Do you have a succinct definition?
> What is clear to me is that there can be a subset of the paths that are
> determined from IS-IS that would never be used, because no entropy in a
> packet would every pick that path.
> Is the requirement in the document that the OAM solution should be able to
> test those paths?
>> What path among available paths to be selected for a specified is a
>> local matter. That is what all about flow entropy discovery. Like I
>> stated earlier how it is discovered is a framework and solution issue.
> Agreed.
>> If you need some reference how it is done in the MPLS world RFC 4379 is
>> a good reference.
> AFAIK MPLS doesn't have a locally defined ECMP hash function in every hop.
> TRILL does, which makes these aspects different.
> Regards,
>   Erik
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf
>> Of Erik Nordmark
>> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:07 PM
>> To: Santosh Rajagopalan
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [trill] TRILL OAM Requirements: available paths
>> On 4/27/12 2:15 PM, Santosh Rajagopalan wrote:
>>> I agree, the wording needs to be tightened to say "all possible ecmp
>>> paths" rather than "all available paths". An operator working out
>>> R1-R2 communication is interested in all possible paths data traffic
>>> could take rather than all theoretically available paths.
>> The issue is that there is nothing in the TRILL dataplane nor IS-IS
>> control plane which helps the operator determine that some paths
>> (through RB121 and RB112 in the example) are not possible; the ECMP
>> input and hashing is a completely local matter on each RBridge.
>> It isn't useful to state a requirement around something that can't be
>> determined.
>>     Erik
>>> From: Erik Nordmark<>
>>> To:
>>> Date: 04/27/2012 09:53 AM
>>> Subject: [trill] TRILL OAM Requirements: available paths Sent by:
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --
>>> Two requirements use the wording "all available paths." and "all
>>> available ECMP paths.", respectively and I'm not sure I know what that
>>> means.
>>> Take the following example picture:
>>> R1
>>> / \
>>> / \
>>> / \
>>> / \
>>> / \
>>> RB11 RB12
>>> / \ / \
>>> / \ / \
>>> RB111 RB112 RB121 RB122
>>> \ \ / /
>>> \ \ / /
>>> \ \/ /
>>> ------R2------
>>> We can see that there are 4 paths with 3 hops to get from R1 to R2,
>>> with two layers of ECMP decisions. But how many available paths are
>> there?
>>> Given that the RBridges make independent ECMP decisions, and how they
>>> do that is a local matter, it could be the case that for any packet,
>>> if R1 picks the left link, then R11 would also pick the left link; if
>>> R1 picks the right link, then R12 also picks the right link.
>>> Thus there would be no packet (data or OAM) that would cause packets
>>> between R1 and R2 to pass via RB112 or RB121.
>>> Even if we ignore that as unlikely, there is still the fact that R1
>>> can't easily tell how many (shortest) paths there might be between it
>>> and R2. With single-level TRILL the LSDB could be used to tell, but if
>>> we ever go to multi-level that wouldn't be the case any more.
>>> And even if R1 knows that there are 4 potential paths, it can't format
>>> a data packet (or format the flow entropy in an OAM packet) in such a
>>> way that particular paths get chosen by downstream ECMP decisions.
>>> Thus for any notion of "all available paths" that make sense to me,
>>> we'd need an OAM approach that can explore the topology one hop at a
>>> time and at each hop explore all the possible ECMP choices. Using the
>>> entropy doesn't help with this (but the entropy is critical for
>>> following the path taken by a particular flow of data packets).
>>> Hence it would be good to clarify what the assumptions are behind this
>>> notion of all available paths.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik
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