[trill] Fwd: Nits on draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-channel
Erik Nordmark <nordmark@acm.org> Fri, 11 May 2012 16:30 UTC
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FYI: I had sent these nits to the authors a while back. I think it makes sense to revise the draft to take care of the nits below, and then send it to the IESG. The "verbatim reproduction of the Inner Ethernet Header" should probably be left alone at this point in time. Regards, Erik -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Nits on draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-channel Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 22:25:46 -0700 From: Erik Nordmark <nordmark@acm.org> To: draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-channel@tools.ietf.org Shouldn't this say something slightly different than MUST be zero? CHV: A 4-bit field that gives the RBridge Channel Header Version and MUST be zero. Something like "This document specifies version zero." The verbatim reproduction of the Inner Ethernet Header in section 2.1 means that this document would need to be revised as a result of things like fine grained labels. Wouldn't it make sense to instead do this by reference to RFC6325 instead of reproducing the exact header? That gives us the flexibility to have documents which update RFC6325 without touching this document. Section 2.2 tries to rename the Op-len field in the base protocol to be Ext-len. I think I commented on this being confusing and not worth-while for the extensions draft, thus I think the channel draft can use the same wording as the extensions draft (which does not attempt to rename the field.) Section 6.2 says The IEEE Registration Authority has been assigned the Ethertype <TBD> for RBridge-Channel. "has been assigned" should probably be "has assigned". Do we already have an allocated number to replace the TBD? Typo: "particuclar" Erik
- [trill] Fwd: Nits on draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-cha… Erik Nordmark
- Re: [trill] Fwd: Nits on draft-ietf-trill-rbridge… Donald Eastlake