[trill] question to draft-ietf-trill-active-active-connection-prob-05

Linda Dunbar <linda.dunbar@huawei.com> Tue, 15 July 2014 22:03 UTC

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From: Linda Dunbar <linda.dunbar@huawei.com>
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Dear Editors,

A few questions to this draft:

Section 2 second paragraph stated that " TRILL AF provides both per Data Label active-standby traffic spreading and loop avoidance".

TRILL AF requires one and only one appointed RBridge to ingress/egress native frames, so it doesn't provides "traffic spreading", correct?

What is "flow rather than VLAN based load balancing"? does it mean the CE has to  distribute load based on non-VLAN header fields of the packets?

Section 2.1:  What does it mean by "at exactly one edge group RBridge"?
a) The LAALP will deliver a frame from an endnode to TRILL at exactly one edge group RBridge.

Why can't LAALP assume ""these are all the MAC addresses attached""?

Section 3.3: Address Flip-Flop
Why current TRILL switches behave badly when same MAC-SA is associated with different TRILL nicknames? Why can't TRILL switches be configured to allow different TRILL nicknames to be associated with the same MAC-SA?

Section 3.4:
The flooding described in this section is no different from the "flooding" caused by aged out MAC entry in FDB, isn't it?
