[tsvwg] Magnus AD review of draft-ietf-tsvwg-natsupp-22
Magnus Westerlund <magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com> Wed, 10 March 2021 10:17 UTC
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From: Magnus Westerlund <magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com>
To: "tsvwg@ietf.org" <tsvwg@ietf.org>, "draft-ietf-tsvwg-natsupp@ietf.org" <draft-ietf-tsvwg-natsupp@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Magnus AD review of draft-ietf-tsvwg-natsupp-22
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Hi, So this is the promised AD review from me. For chairs and authors this has been updated adjust for the answers I have received so I try to clarify my issues. Also sorry about the long delay in reviewing it. It was not acceptable to delay this so much. 1. My first issue is related to the fork lift upgrade this SCTP NAT functionality appear to require. So in the introduction there is this table that discuss what occurs if the two end-points support this style of SCTP NAT or not. I think part of this is as of a consequence of this document changing the definition of how to identify an SCTP Association. In RFC 4960 an association is defined as: o SCTP association: A protocol relationship between SCTP endpoints, composed of the two SCTP endpoints and protocol state information including Verification Tags and the currently active set of Transmission Sequence Numbers (TSNs), etc. An association can be uniquely identified by the transport addresses used by the endpoints in the association. Two SCTP endpoints MUST NOT have more than one SCTP association between them at any given time. Note that the VTAG is not defined as being part of uniquely identifying an association when receiving a packet. This means that a non-upgrade host might react to the case where two clients on the internal side of NAT. I think this change is not sufficiently explained and made clear. Because it might have impact on other SCTP extensions, thus we might even have to consider if this should make this document be one that update RFC 4960 (or the bis version) to make this clear. So the specified NAT state +---------+--------+----------+--------+-----------+ NAT | Int | Int | Rem | Rem | Int | | VTag | Port | VTag | Port | Addr | +---------+--------+----------+--------+-----------+ | 1234 | 4321 | 5678 | 10123 | | +---------+--------+----------+--------+-----------+ Do have the advantage of making this NAT providing endpoint independent mapping which has benefits when it comes to handle remote peer multihoming and also peer to peer, as the external mapped address can be learned separately and the external port will be the client's port the INIT collision case is made simpler. When it comes to how many SCTP Association it can at most support, each internal + external port number combinations has a maximum of 32-bit of VTAGs in both direction. The practical limit is less as both client and server need to select a unique which will result in more collisions when the number of used VTAG become fairly large. But I think this number is more than high enough. The downside of this I think is that it changes this SCTP association definition which will have impact on both implementations and likely also firewalls. I am uncertain if this complications have been sufficiently evaluated. Can the WG please clarify what consideration has been done into these aspects? I would also like some clarification on what is meant with limited capabilities per Table 1. Assume the NAT Support this functionality. What happens in these cases? +===============+==============+=============+===============+ | Internal Host | NAT Function | Remote Host | Communication | +===============+==============+=============+===============+ | Support | Support | No Support | Limited | +---------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+ | No Support | Support | Support | Limited | +---------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+ | No Support | Support | No Support | Limited | +---------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+ Especially for cases where there are not large number of SCTP Associations, so the risk for collision is low. It would be desirable that it would work to get an association established. To be concreate, I do think the direction is reasonable here. However, I think each of these limited cases needs to be walked through and explained what is expected to occur in each and what limitations the supporting node and NAT need to do to handle. Also the change to the SCTP association definition needs to be made clear. 2. The next significant issue I struggle with is to understand how complex the NAT's per packet handling is. With the current definition for all packets the NAT need to read the common header to find the ports and the VTAG. As that is in a fixed location that I think have small impact on the NAT. What I try to determine is what it means for the NAT to process those chunks it is expected to process such as INIT, INIT-ACK, ASCONF, ASCONF-ACK and ABORT. So maybe I don't know RFC 4960 well enough, but it was not clear to me that in all cases the relevant chunks for the NAT would be ensured to always be first among the chunks, even if some bundling was done. If it can't be guaranteed that the NAT only need to lock at the first chunk, then I think this is a potential issue. As that increases both the amount of processing and a question if it can be done in all implementations. So, is it guaranteed that these chunks will be first so that a fixed offset processing will work? Based on the answer I received this is not guaranteed. For INIT and INIT-ACK it is clear. But for some other cases it is less than clear. I think the specification should discuss these issues and possibly make recommendations for updated nodes to ensure ease of implementation. From my perspective it is not feasible to have to process each packet in completeness to find NAT state changing packets. Thus, if it can be defined how to easily identify these so that only a very small subset of packets needs to be processed fully. And if for example failure case ABORTS results in the NAT state lingering to the timeout that is likely fine. 3. Handling of when restart is not turned off. So in all cases where either hosts don't support this specification the restart will not be turned off. However, its impact appears different. When an internal host does not support the restart disable then the NAT will have to assume that the internal VTAG is not long term stable, and can't accept any entry that matches the port combination. That limits the available number of bindings and drive up collision risk significantly. Still per destination port there can be at least 63000 clients so it not non-working. However, one have to ask if making the NAT table endpoint dependent and track the remote address would reduce the risk for collision significantly at loss of some of the benefits discussed in 1). At least in this case the NAT knows immediately if it should ABORT or not. In the case where the Internal host supports turning off restart. Then the NAT can create a mapping and forwards the INIT. But, I am still unclear what happens if the remote host doesn't support restart disabled. The NAT can clearly route, but what is the failure case? So is the NAT forced to delay or abort any association that comes in second before the response has been received? And for a port pair where at least one entry with VTAGs are accepted, how does one deal with a response that is non supporting this specification? 4. Multihoming of hosts. So this supports multihoming of the remote host well and is actually very efficient in it support. I think the multihoming of the internal host could be improved. The document lacks a discussion of the potential issue that one do get a collision for one's client port in a network and NAT that is not the first one. So are the only mitigation here trying to establish a new association with a different client port and hope that works better and if that is established drop the old single homed one? I think this primarily relates to Section 6.6. However, I think multihoming support for Internal host are actually more relevant due to virtualization and container deployments where NATed networking in the environment is fairly common. That use case was not as important when this work was started. I have found two very related issues to this. First is the fact that failure to create a new NAT binding will cause an ABORT. Have there been any discussion of any method for subsequent path establishments that doesn't cause the whole association to abort, only the path establishment to fail? Or should one have an alternative reaction to ABORT under some conditions when establishing subsequent paths? I think this is highly relevant to have as one will like to test which combination of internal source address work with which external as in NATed cases full mesh is far from certain to work. "The sender of the packet containing the ASCONF chunk, upon reception of a packet containing an ERROR chunk with M bit set, MUST stop adding the path to the association." So this may interpreted as that one will not terminate the association, but that is not explicit. The next issue has to do with ASCONF and remote peer receiving the packet. Looking in Section 5.2 of RFC 5061 the specified processing with a ASCONF chunk per this NATSUPP specification with a null address will end up in D3) processing step, resulting in the packet being treated as out of the blue packet which per RFC 4960. To my understanding that will result in an ABORT being sent back. So I think this specification is failing to update the ASCONF processing of RFC 5061 to perform a lookup per VTAG only, and rely on VTAG + SCTP AUTH. So it is likely a reasonable assumption, but the usage of SCTP-AUTH here. Is that assuming that one actually have key-management in place or that one uses key 0 based on the initial handshake only that only provides protection against entities that don't have on path interception capabilities? Shouldn't the difference between having a properly keyed SCTP AUTH and just key 0 here be listed as that affect the possibilities to hijack an SCTP association using the NAT traversal tools? More detailed comments. A) Section 4.3: If an outgoing SCTP packet contains an INIT or ASCONF chunk and a matching NAT binding table entry is found, the packet is processed as a normal outgoing packet. Is this intending to say: For outgoing SCTP packet that has a matching NAT binding table entry, it IP source address translated and forwarded, even if the SCTP packet contain INIT or ASCONF chunks? Any case when a matching entry would need to be updated? For a internal host that hasn't disabled restart, the internal tag could change in this scenario? Does the entry need to be updated or for where restart disabled has not occurred on simply put in a wild card entry in the internal vtag field? B) Section 4.3: Restart procedure disabled, I think one should add a paragraph to make clear that with restart procedure one mean because I have trouble figuring out what procedure is actually meant here and what the endpoint is not to do. Section 5.3.1 is not clear on that either. So there are signalling for something that is not clearly defined what it is. C) Section 5.2.1, 5.2.2, and 5.2.3: Note that if the packet will not fit in the ERROR chunk or ABORT chunk being sent then the bytes that do not fit are truncated. So how does the NAT determines if this is the cause? Only local MTU? What are the risk here for the ABORT message is being dropped due to being oversized? D) Section 5.3.2: What are the security risks with this parameter. Per Section 6.4.1 an internal host could potentially hijack an association using this. The NAT can't verify the ASCONF authentication. That can only be expected of the remote host. So it appears that there are some risk that another SCTP host behind the same NAT could use this to hijack the SCTP association. If that is possible I think it should be noted. E) Section 6.1: Every association setup from a host behind a NAT function MUST NOT use multiple internal addresses. The INIT chunk MUST NOT contain an IPv4 Address parameter, IPv6 Address parameter, or Supported Address Types parameter. The INIT ACK chunk MUST NOT contain any IPv4 Address parameter or IPv6 Address parameter using non-global addresses. The INIT chunk and the INIT ACK chunk MUST NOT contain any Host Name parameters. I think this statement is over restricting. For a peer that is behind a NAT with configured forwarding port(s) they could use IP addresses or host names that are looked up and having the NAT's external address put into the DNS. I understand that putting a host name as a client that hasn't had explicit establishment with assign the port that the client is using with the NAT could have issues. So I think this is a SHOULD NOT unless the IP address is know to be publicly reachable or state has been explicitly established in the NAT(s) prior to the inclusion. That would allow port signalling or others to follow this specification without being in violation when they include known working addresses. Are there other reasons for the MUST NOTs? F) Section 6.2: Handling collisions when restart is not disabled. This section does not appear to discuss the case when restart is not disabled and the VTAGs can't be used for collision detection. G) Section 6.2 and 6.2.2. So based on the above attempt to discuss what occurs when restart is not disabled. This section recommends new VTAG. Shouldn't a new client port be recommended as that is what going to resolve the issue in the restart enabled case. H) Section 6.2: Also if the INIT-ACK is dropped due to collision and the remote peer is not supporting this spec, that error is lost. Any possibility to send an error message to the internal about the collision in cases where restart disabled parameter was not part of the response? I) Section 6.2.1: If a packet containing an INIT chunk or an ASCONF chunk, the source and destination address and port numbers MUST be swapped. This sentence are grammatically in error there is something missing prior to the comma. Or "containing" would need to be "contains". J) Section 6.4.1: If the NAT function receives a packet from the internal network for which it has no NAT binding table entry and the packet contains an ASCONF chunk with the VTags parameter, the NAT function MUST update its NAT binding table according to the verification tags in the VTags parameter and, if present, the Disable Restart parameter. So if there are no binding table entry, shouldn't it create one? I assume this is for the case where the SCTP association has been created over the other path, and then needs to establish an additional path over this other network. K) Section 6.5: Therefore, a NAT function MUST be able to handle IP-level fragmented SCTP packets. The fragments MAY arrive in any order. So that means either reassembly, or if one got the first fragment put in some state that allows one to find how to forward the rest of the fragments? So far most if not all NAT implementors have not supported fragmented packets. Wouldn't it be better to actual be realistic here and figure out if the sender can determine this and do something about it? L) Section 7. What is default inactivity timer for SCTP? The previous NAT specifications have had explicit default timers for inactivity tear down. I think this one should have that too. Sure the YANK model is fine to have the possibility to change that. Keep alive and discussion of what to do here is interesting. M) Section 8: Improving the examples. I would recommend using port numbers in the >1023 range. Section 8.2. I would recommend that you give the second Host B address from the example range (TEST-NET-2) so that it shows clearly that Host B is homed into two different network ranges. N) Section 11. I think it should be noted that SCTP NAT in the current definition does provide quite different filtering properties than NATs for UDP and TCP. O) Section 11. If an endpoint uses SCTP-AUTH, then the ABORT or ERROR with T and M can't be evaluated by SCTP-AUTH as it isn't signed. This requires discussion about how one can verify them without SCTP-AUTH or running it at least on the sent packet? P) So RFC 5061 is stated in terminology section as needed to understand. I think it would be good to actually include the reference on the first reference to ASCONF chunk. Cheers Magnus Westerlund
- [tsvwg] Magnus AD review of draft-ietf-tsvwg-nats… Magnus Westerlund