Re: Transmission of DATA Chunks - question on CMT SCTP

Randy Stewart <> Fri, 28 January 2011 12:58 UTC

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On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:50 AM, <> <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In RFC 4960 Section 6.1 it is stated that transmission of new data should await retransmissions.
> That is:
>    C) When the time comes for the sender to transmit, before sending new
>       DATA chunks, the sender MUST first transmit any outstanding DATA
>       chunks that are marked for retransmission (limited by the current
>       cwnd).
> In our SCTP implementation we have followed this rule literally on a per association basis. That is, we do not send new data on any path of the association, if there
> is data marked for retransmission which is awaiting transmittal. But I also know of SCTP implementations where this rule is obeyed only on an path basis. I.e. data for retransmission
> is somehow locked to a particular path and new data may flow out on other paths even if there is data waiting to be retransmitted on a per association basis.
> I would like to know if anybody knows what is the chosen approach in the CMT setting in this respect  - ?
> Also I am interesting in knowing  if there is any clear consensus on how the RFC 4690 should be interpreted in the non CMT case - ?

I personally do not feel that you have to block sending new data to a path if some other
path has outstanding data marked for retransmission. As long as the sender
is obeying the cwnd for each path I see no issue here... 

I tend to like to lock a chunk to a path and only allow it to change to a different
path if a T3-rxt happens. I like to keep any FR set so that you FR to the 
destination it was sent to... this allows multiple-fr of the same chunk.. until 
you finally hit a T3 on a chunk and move it to another path...

CMT is a bit different but may benefit by the same rule.. I can't, off the top of my head, remember
how Jana and I implemented it in FreeBSD.. I guess I need to get a cup of coffee and go
take a look ;-)



> Thanks !
> BR, Karen
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> Karen Egede Nielsen
> Software Architect, Ph.D.
> Tieto Denmark A/S
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Randall Stewart