Re: [tsvwg] feedback and thoughts L4S / SCE

Sebastian Moeller <> Sat, 28 November 2020 17:06 UTC

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From: Sebastian Moeller <>
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Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 18:06:31 +0100
Cc: Jonathan Morton <>,
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To: Mikael Abrahamsson <>
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Subject: Re: [tsvwg] feedback and thoughts L4S / SCE
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Hi Mikael,

I actually wanted to stay out of tis sub thread, but...

> On Nov 28, 2020, at 17:24, Mikael Abrahamsson <> wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Nov 2020, Jonathan Morton wrote:
>> Take a random sampling of CPE devices, and see how many of them use the above - or it might be easier to count the ones that don't.  I'll wait.
> My ubiquiti APs come with it, but it's default turned off.
> It's not only important of the devices have the capability, it also needs to be default turned on so it's actually used (considering most people don't change config much).

	[SM] ... if end-user devices have such capabilities, the big ISPs that in all likelihood are the biggest buyers of such devices, should have little issues adding that to their requirements list for their purchases and making sure devices are configured properly, without driving up the costs unduly, no?. 
	The fact that that has not happened is in itself a rather clear indication that ISPs are really not that interested in tackling latency under load (and why should they, often unhappy users will switch to a higher/more profitable speed tier in a well-intended but not very effective attempt at improving a link's usefulness).
	Now, for end-users that is a different issue, and there are quite some, often on-line gamers interested in reducing their internet access link's latency, that are actually willing to buy and configure boutique devices, like the NetDUMA, or more down to earth and less hyped (but IMHO even more capable) evenroute's iqrouter. Incidentally, both are basically software distributions for relative standard existing router's from other manufacturers, and yet people are paying a premium to get those better behaving router OS, as latency under load performance of stock router OSes often is not "cutting it"...
	I note that L4S never reached out to those end-users actually caring for low latency... instead they are trying to convince the ISP market, without a narrative how this is going to imprive an ISP's bottom-line (the you need to do this to not fall behind the competition, is not a positive selling point IMHO).

Best Regards