[tsvwg] Updates on the "Transport parameters for 0-RTT connections" draft
Kuhn Nicolas <Nicolas.Kuhn@cnes.fr> Tue, 21 May 2019 13:48 UTC
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From: Kuhn Nicolas <Nicolas.Kuhn@cnes.fr>
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Thread-Topic: Updates on the "Transport parameters for 0-RTT connections" draft
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Dear all, Following the different feedbacks on this draft, we have proposed an updated version on the "Transport parameters for 0-RTT connections". https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kuhn-quic-0rtt-bdp/ The draft proposes a solution where path characteristics are shared between the peers to improve the ingress traffic for 0-RTT connections. The difference with version 01 are mainly based on the received feedback. In short, we now a BDP_metadata structure so that various path parameters can be exposed to the client (MTU, RTT, bandwidth, loss-rate). We have also added a section to discuss what happens when BDP is used incorrectly. Let us know if we have any views or interest in this proposal. Cheers, Nico for the authors
- [tsvwg] Updates on the "Transport parameters for … Kuhn Nicolas
- Re: [tsvwg] Updates on the "Transport parameters … Lubashev, Igor