[tsvwg] Request for consensus call for Auth in UDP options
Tom Herbert <tom@herbertland.com> Sat, 07 September 2024 01:33 UTC
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From: Tom Herbert <tom@herbertland.com>
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 18:33:28 -0700
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Subject: [tsvwg] Request for consensus call for Auth in UDP options
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TSVWG chairs, I have raised an objection to the UDP Options draft that the Authentication may be ignored by a receiver. I believe this is a serious security vulnerability in the protocol. If a sender uses the option that must mean that a key negotiation must have happened, so when the sender places the option in a packet they naturally have the full expectation that the receiver will validate the authentication credentials. If the receiver elects to ignore the authentication then they will not only allow legitimate senders but an attacker will be able to access the system as well-- so basically there is no security and the user is at risk for harm. Ignoring an authentication option is not safe. The counter argument seems to be that it should be up to the receiver to decide if the authentication option must be validated. That stands in contrast to other authentication protocols like IPv6 AH that explicitly require authentication option to be validated if it is present (if they can't validate, then the packet MUST be dropped). If the idea is that the user decides this then security is wholly dependent on the user configuring the protocol correctly, so a slight misconfiguration could allow a major breach (note this cannot happen in IPv6 AH). Please consider doing a consensus call on whether ignoring an Authentication option in UDP options is allowed. Thanks, Tom
- [tsvwg] Request for consensus call for Auth in UD… Tom Herbert
- [tsvwg] Re: Request for consensus call for Auth i… touch@strayalpha.com
- [tsvwg] Re: Request for consensus call for Auth i… Tom Herbert
- [tsvwg] Re: Request for consensus call for Auth i… touch@strayalpha.com
- [tsvwg] Re: Request for consensus call for Auth i… Christian Huitema