Re: [GNAP] Key Rotation

Fabien Imbault <> Wed, 07 July 2021 14:10 UTC

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From: Fabien Imbault <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2021 16:10:33 +0200
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To: Justin Richer <>
Cc: Aaron Parecki <>, GNAP Mailing List <>
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Subject: Re: [GNAP] Key Rotation
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Hi Justin,

I suggest
as a potential method (at least for discussion on a pre-rotation scheme).


Le mer. 7 juil. 2021 à 15:57, Justin Richer <> a écrit :

> Aaron, that’s a great point about static registration. That leaves
> ephemeral or otherwise runtime keys, which might be good enough to just
> start a new request when needed?
> Ben had previously posited a functional approach like sign(k2, sign(k1,
> (k2))): you use the old key (k1) to sign the new key (k2), then use the new
> key to sign that signature and present it. The thing that I get hung up on
> is having a way to do the key proofing for a new key that works
> consistently for all the different key types in use. The outer signature,
> signing with the new key, is easy: that’s the GNAP key proofing mechanism.
> The trick is carrying a signed object with the key material internally
> somehow — is there a way to handle that consistently across different
> proofing types?
> There are a bunch of ways that it could be done with different proofing
> mechanisms and that might be the right approach. HTTP Message Signatures
> can attach multiple signatures. JWK-based-keys could use JWS to wrap the
> key content as part of the payload (so you’d get something like a nested
> JWT). MTLS is a strange one, but if you’re in certificate space you have
> other options like CA’s and OCSP to help manage your keys at a different
> level. So maybe GNAP just specifies the functional requirement at a high
> level and each proofing mechanism or deployment has to fill that somehow in
> its definition?
> Still, something in me says that we should be able to do this in one
> consistent pattern, and I’d love to hear more ideas on how that could be
> handled. If we can crack that, then it becomes a matter of applying that to
> a bunch of different requests: grant update, token rotation, initial
> request, etc. This piece, at least, I believe can be applied pretty
> generically.
>  — Justin
> On Jul 6, 2021, at 6:30 PM, Fabien Imbault <>
> wrote:
> Hi there,
> As far as I know, key rotation remains a cumbersome process in most cases,
> to say the least. It's quite impressive how often that breaks (usually when
> a certificate expires somewhere).
> The exception is caddy server, that does it really well. Works fine in
> production.
> And then, as a proof of concept, there's DIF Keri that embeds key rotation
> as a primary requirement.
> Fabien
> Le mar. 6 juil. 2021 à 23:29, Aaron Parecki <> a écrit :
>> I do think it's important that a client instance should be able to rotate
>> its keys, as this is a pretty common practice in other related specs.
>> You mentioned pre-registered clients which I think is an interesting
>> case. I would expect in those cases the client instance wouldn't actually
>> be rotating its keys on its own, instead the developer/administrator would
>> go into the management console to rotate the keys there, and deploy the new
>> keys to the client instance, more like how typical OAuth clients work today.
>> Coming up with the actual rotation method is definitely an interesting
>> challenge, but there must be some prior art to draw from here. Wouldn't
>> existing specs like Mutual TLS or even PGP have some mechanism that could
>> be reused?
>> Aaron
>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 10:52 AM Justin Richer <> wrote:
>>> In the GNAP protocol, most requests are bound to a key. There are pretty
>>> solid mechanisms for establishing those keys as part of the request, both
>>> dynamically and as part of some pre-registration step.
>>> However, over time those keys could be rotated out by the parties that
>>> control them, and GNAP needs to be able to handle this.
>>>         • Access tokens are bound to keys
>>>                 • We allow rotation of the token value at client
>>> instance request...
>>>                 • Should we allow rotation of the key also?
>>>         • Grant transactions are also bound to keys
>>>                 • Specifically: the continuation access token is bound
>>> to a key
>>>                 • The key is initially the client instance’s key
>>>                 • Should the client be able to rotate this key
>>> separately?
>>>         • Some client instances have registered keys
>>>                 • What happens when a client’s registered key rotates?
>>> Secure rotation of a key would require some way for the presenter to
>>> prove possession of both the old and new keys simultaneously. It could be a
>>> matter of signing the request with the new key and include some artifact
>>> signed by the old key in the request, or the inverse of that. There are
>>> likely other methods out there, but this seems simplest.
>>> What situations are people looking at for handling key rotation?
>>>  — Justin
>>> --
>>> TXAuth mailing list
>> --
>> TXAuth mailing list